Chapter 22 - Symphony allegro

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Showing Phoenix pleasure that pushed her to her limits was exquisitely gratifying, only rivaled by the exquisite pleasure he felt as she moved on him so seductively. She had no idea of her own power over him, but he knew that did not put her at a disadvantage, and he didn't plan on supplying her with that knowledge... at least not intentionally. Her pace was slow, moving up and down on him in long, slow strokes, and she gasped and moaned with each one. His body started to tense and tremble with the need to increase the tempo, and he pushed her down onto him, then wrapped his arms around her to stand from the chair. Her legs wrapped around him, and she squealed, startled at the abrupt movement she could not see.  He carried her on him over to the table, and in one swipe of his arm, rid the table of all of its contents. The items crashed and banged loudly, and she turned her head to try to hear what he was doing. He pushed her up against the table and laid her back on it, thankful it was the perfect height for his intention. He could see her stomach rise and fall in quick, short breaths in anticipation of his next move. "Severus," she whispered loudly, her hands reaching out to as if to provide some control of her situation. "Yes, remember that. I would like to hear a more passionate version of that in a moment," he said, enjoying even his own anticipation. He withdrew from her slowly, the effects of the wine working to heighten the sensation of every inch of him that moved in her. He reached forward, stroking her, watching her soften, her hands relaxing against him, and he pushed back into her. He closed his own eyes now, all of his senses fighting for acknowledgement. He moved his arms under her legs, his hands on the top of her thighs, and he pulled her towards him as he pushed, banging into her in quick short thrusts. With each stroke, their sounds increasing in volume and fervency as they moved together towards their crescendo. Severus opened his eyes to watch her. Her head was turned to the side, her hands holding onto his, her mouth open just enough to let her throaty moans escape. He was grateful she couldn't see his expression, as his face contorted with his desire to hold back his own release until she met hers. The sounds coming from her changed, her mouth closed, her lips pressing hard between her teeth. He knew she was close, and he maintained his pace, feeling her body soften as she tightened on him. She suddenly arched he her head back, a guttural cry coming from her, calling out his name, and he felt her orgasm squeeze onto him. He reached and stripped off her blindfold, wanting to see her eyes as he felt his own release quickly approaching. He drove into her, feeling the energy coursing through him in an agonizingly slow wave, building to an almost unbearable level before it reached his core. A hoarse cry was wrenched from his gut at the unique sensation of imploding and then exploding in a impossibly intense orgasm.  He folded forward, heaving. He finally found his breath, lowering to place gentle kisses on her soft belly. She reached into his hair, then brushed it back from his face. "You, Severus, are a man of many wonderful surprises," Phoenix said, smiling adoringly at him, the fire in her eyes reflecting a challenge met and conquered. "All of them brought about by my love for you... I love you, Phoenix," he said, meeting her eyes, knowing she could see the raw honesty of his words. "I love you, Severus, and I always will," she replied, and he felt the honesty in her eyes, as if, for a moment, he shared her magical ability.   "But please, no more Elf-made wine for a while. I don't think I can handle that too often," she said as he gathered her up off the table. "Agreed," Severus replied, "As wonderful as the experience was, and as much as I would be satisfied to die in your arms, I do not wish to meet my end with my pants down."  They both laughed at that, and Severus stole a glance at Dumbledore's portrait to find he had shifted in his chair, still sleeping, but with a smile now on his face.

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