Chapter 34 - Loyalty

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"Voldemort has the Elder Wand. I believe the time draws near," Severus said to Dumbledore's portrait. "Yes, Severus. Are you prepared?" Dumbledore replied. "I have not swayed from my vow to you Albus, and I have not strayed from my course. When it is time, I will do what is necessary. But... what of her? What of Phoenix?" Severus asked. He did not want her to be in danger when Voldemort moved to try to thwart the prophecy of Harry Potter. "As you know, Severus, each has a role to play. Each has a fate they cannot escape. Her fate is not yet decided. She alone has the key, and she alone must turn it," Dumbledore said, and Severus was once again left with a riddle as Albus declined to elaborate by drifting off to sleep again. Severus went to his bedchamber. Phoenix must have went to bed early this evening. It had been a few days since her injury, so perhaps she was still recovering from that ordeal. He opened the doors to find the room empty. He saw a letter on her pillow, and a cold chill ran through his body. 'Severus, My Love, I have been called upon to aid those who seek the same end as my own. I cannot tell you where I have gone, but I will return to you if it is in my power to do so. I have been warned of the peril, but I have deemed it worthy of the price. There is still hope, Severus. I have seen it gone from your eyes. I will do anything to see it there again, and so I must, Forever your Phoenix.' He crushed the paper in his hand and ran out to Dumbledore's portrait, "You knew! What have you asked of her!?" he demanded. "Then she has chosen to turn the key," Dumbledore said, closing his eyes and nodding, then fell back asleep. Severus ran from the room, not knowing where to go. He would start with her friends, and headed to their rooms. He was stopped by Amycus Carrow, who had the look of someone who was satisfied with himself. "Severus, it seems Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmeade. Your bed warmer was caught helping them. She apparently apparated there, setting off the alarms to draw the Death Eaters away from him and his friends," Amycus said with a sneer. "You're lying!" Severus snarled, afraid of the truth. "It was told from her own mouth... under much duress. Thankfully for you, she also revealed that you had no knowledge or hand in her actions," Amycus said, walking closer to Severus. "If you hurt her..." Severus warned, feeling the fear now that he had not allowed himself. "It's much too late for that. The Dark lord has ordered that any who aid Harry Potter to be punished. She has only been shown some mercy because of the Dark lord's fondness for you. He has said he may even spare her if your loyalty to him sees you through to the end. It appears the end is coming soon, Severus. I will summon the students and staff, and, as Headmaster, you will see to it that, if he is being harbored here, he is flushed out of the fold," Amycus said as he circled around Severus. Severus knew that it was a threat. He cursed himself and Dumbledore, but mostly the Dark lord, who knew his price and held it to ensure payment.

Severus entered the main hall, passing by the rows of students to rise to the top of the steps. Amycus stepped towards him as if in a reminder of what was at stake if he didn't obey the Dark lord. Severus's words came from his mouth like poison, and he tasted the vileness of them. He felt like they betrayed his loyalty to the school and even to Phoenix, and even though he knew that his true loyalty to Potter and Dumbledore was upheld, he felt the unbearable pain of them. When Potter stepped forward and spoke, he felt his angry words as if they struck his already wounded soul. He couldn't save him, but he still felt driven to protect him as long as he could hold Voldemort at bay. He felt that time come and pass, and he raised his wand to him with no real plan. He was caught off guard when Professor Mcgonagall stepped in between them. He took her fire, unwilling to do anything other than defend himself, until she drove him from the hall. His leaving meant that he could no longer help hold back the power of Voldemort, and as he heard her call out the word 'coward,' even knowing the irony of it, he felt the pain pierce him. He flew to the one place he was almost certain he would find Phoenix, hoping it wasn't too late.

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