Chapter 32 - Peace

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Phoenix stumbled back to Aberforth's door. She dropped in front of it and knocked as quietly as she could and still get his attention... hopefully. She didn't know how much time she had. She was bleeding profusely from her shoulder. She had been sliced with her own dagger. She was lucky though, if she hadn't had it, she would be dead now. Instead, her parents' killer was dead. Aberforth opened the door and dragged her in, then used his wand to remove any trace of the blood she'd spilled on the doorstep. She could hear him cursing her as he went to go send his sister from her portrait to get help. "That's all we need, to bring attention here. Did anyone see you come her?" he asked, obviously irritated. "No. I made sure of it. I'm sorry," Phoenix said. She was already back into her own form since the polyjuice potion had worn off a couple hours ago. She had been waiting for a chance to leave her hiding spot, and she thought she might bleed to death before she saw her chance to make a run for it. "One of the students told me what you were planning. It was a fool's mission! You're lucky you're still alive. Maybe your injury is a good lesson," he said as he applied a poultice and bandage. "So I've heard," she said, since Severus had said she was a fool to go before she left. But now, unless she bled to death, she had survived it. After a few minutes, Aberforth's sister brought back her friends, Edgar and Josie. "You're going to have to help get her back. But it will be a risk to take her to Madame Pomfrey," Aberforth told them. "It's ok, I know where to go. I will be fine," she said, as her friends helped her up and into the tunnel. She made sure they grabbed her pack and her necklace, and she tried her best to stay conscious to make it back to her quarters. She told them to take her through the secret passage to Severus's quarters from her own.  That would be the safest route for no one to see them.

Severus sat at his desk. It had been almost exactly a day since Phoenix left. He hadn't heard any word about any attacks in Hogsmeade, so he had no idea how she was doing... or if she was already dead. Suddenly he heard something from his bedchamber. He ran into the room to see Phoenix being carried in by her friends. She was unmoving and covered in blood, and he feared the worst. He lifted her onto the bed and looked her over. He let out a sigh of relief when he found she was alive. "Who did this?" he asked them, referring to her bandages. "Aberforth Dumbledore," Edgar replied. Severus nodded. "Do you know what happened," he asked. "Yes, before she passed out she said she had done it. She had killed him," Josie replied. "Tell no one of this. If someone finds out she is injured, it could tie her back to his death. Understood?" Severus asked, and they agreed. So far, Phoenix's friends had proven to be trustworthy and loyal. "I will keep you informed," Severus told them, and they hesitated like they didn't want to leave. "Trust me. I will take care of her. And your presence here may alert the Carrows," he said to them, and this time they agreed. He saw the worry on their faces, and he understood completely, as he felt it too. Severus was an adept healer. He worked on her quickly. Most of the bleeding had already stopped, and he repaired the wound the best he could. It may leave a scar, but she could have it removed later if she didn't want to keep it. He went to his stash of healing potions and brought back one for her that would help with pain and work to keep away infection. He put it directly on the scar and watched it sizzle. She started to rouse, and he put his hand on her forehead, not wanting her to jerk awake. "Phoenix," he said gently, and he saw her eyes start to flutter. She finally opened her eyes, and they rolled around, trying to focus, before meeting his gaze. "Severus!," she whispered hoarsely, smiling, "I did it! And I made it back to you... my love," she said, and he knew he couldn't be angry with her. She had done what she had set out to do, and he knew her injuries were a small price to pay to her. She looked like she had some other bangs and bruises, and he set a healing spell on her to remedy those. He looked her over, and she seemed otherwise unharmed, but one thing he did notice, is that she looked happy. Not just happy, because he'd seen her happy plenty of times, but she looked at peace. He wondered if he would ever share that feeling with her. Maybe after his own quest was over, and Voldemort was dead... no, not even then. He knew that there was too much tragedy that had led, would lead, to that triumph, but he hoped he would find some consolation that all of the sacrifices were worth it. He stroked her face and leaned down to kiss her on her forehead. "Do you forgive me?" she asked. "There is nothing to forgive, Phoenix, nothing," he said, and she looked in his eyes to find the truth in his words before falling asleep. Severus watched over her while she slept. She was out of danger now.

When Phoenix woke, she found Severus laying in the bed next to her, asleep but fully clothed. She felt her shoulder. It was a little sore, but not bad considering how deep the cut had been. She realized she was fully clothed too. She got up and bathed and dressed. She wanted to burn her clothes that were covered with her blood and... his... she wouldn't call him by his name. He was nothing now. Last night, he had her pinned down, and she had pulled her dagger as a last ditch effort. They had struggled over the knife, and he had sliced her shoulder to the bone before she was able to get the dagger into his throat. She would always remember what that felt like, as well as the look on his face as his lifeblood spilled out. She felt like a part of her was missing today, and the weight of that part had lifted, and her soul felt lighter. She went and sat on the edge of the bed, watching Severus as he slept. She didn't often have that luxury. So much had weighed on him, and she wished he could lighten his burden as she had. When he woke, they just looked at each other for a while, and she felt a new depth of their love in his eyes.  "Today is the beginning of a new life for you, Phoenix. I think that is special occasion enough for us to break out my Christmas present, don't you think?" Severus asked. Phoenix smiled, "I think that is a wonderful idea."

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