Chapter 17 - Date

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Severus heard Phoenix returning, and he suddenly felt unsure of where to place himself. He was almost sure she wouldn't notice that he'd put any extra effort into his appearance, as he really only had one style of clothes that he wore. He decided casual would be the mood he would go for at her return, and he hurriedly grabbed a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass, standing to lean against his desk with his legs crossed at the ankles. He felt his jaw drop slightly when she came into his view, and he shut it quickly as he pushed forward to stand upright. She was lovely. She was always lovely, he admitted, but tonight she was breathtaking, and he finally found his breath to let her know, "You look absolutely stunning, Phoenix." She approached him, looking even more splendid the closer she came, and she smiled shyly at his attention. "I'm relieved now that I didn't wear my jeans. You look absolutely gorgeous, Severus, and quite debonair at that," she said, admiring him from head to toe, and it was his turn to smile shyly. He stepped to her and placed his hand around her waist. "It's too bad no one will see us then, as we would be the talk of the ball," he said, looking at her as if he might not be willing to let her wear that dress for long. She laughed, "Maybe one day we can make our debut, and we could be the talk of the dance floor as well." "Ah, do you like to dance?" Severus asked, realizing he still had a star-struck smile on his face. He didn't care, he didn't have to hide anything from her. "Yes, I love to dance. Although I haven't had much opportunity to do so," she said. "Well then tonight we will work to remedy that," Severus said, knowing he had a few surprises up his sleeve for her.

Phoenix felt like a beautiful celebrity with the way Severus was looking at her, and she was flattered beyond her capacity to fathom. He looked absolutely regal tonight, and she could feel the magnetic masculinity exuding from him. She had been truthful with him before when she'd expressed her attraction to him, but now it shocked her with how intensely handsome he was. "If I had wine, I would accuse you of tainting it with amortentia, Severus. I feel nervous just knowing we are going to be spending the evening together. Unless you've put me under a spell. If so, I demand that you release me from it... in the morning," she said, reaching up to caress his neck above his high collar, gliding her fingers on the smooth skin under his ear.

Severus felt flattered that she found him so attractive. He was also completely charmed by her willingness to openly offer such gracious compliments. He wished he could turn this feeling into a potion and bottle it. It would be more powerful than any love potion had ever been.  When she touched him, his eyes closed, and he felt like he was momentarily frozen by the same spell she claimed to be under.  "Are you ready then?" he asked suddenly, as if awakening, not wanting to let one minute of their evening slip away. She smiled, but he'd seen the same almost expressionless look on her face, as if she had just woken, trying to remember where she was before she'd dozed. He saw the clarity return to her eyes, and she answered, "Yes, I'm ready," and she took his offered arm.

Phoenix wondered as they walked silently to the library if his lack of words were from the same reason as hers. She felt nervous, but more than that, she felt enchanted. When they reached the library,  and he escorted her in, it only added to the illusion. The library was lit with what looked like stars. The ceiling even looked like an open sky with silvery gray clouds against the black backdrop. She stopped to look up, her mouth opened in awe at the wondrous magic that he had created. She heard music playing softly, and he lead her to its source. There was a small round table, draped in white linen, with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Severus, it's marvelous. All of it. Thank you," she said wistfully. He pulled out a chair for her, and she sat, watching him as he poured them each a glass of wine. They each raised their glasses to lightly clink together, and he offered the toast, "To being the light for each other," he said, and she recalled them to be her own words. "To darkness never winning," she replied with a knowing expression, seeing the pleased look on his face that she had remembered. They shared the whole bottle of wine, talking about their lives. It all seemed distant to her now, as if she'd started a new chapter. He seemed a little surprised that she had hopes of becoming a teacher before her parents were killed, but he also reassured her that he thought she would make a wonderful teacher, and that he would support her in that endeavor. She was even more surprised at how he had found his way into teaching, and was touched deeply that he shared even the darkness of his journey. She felt like his life had so much more to offer than his years of solitude, driven by duty, and she wanted so much more for him. She saw herself perhaps at the same point in her life that he was when his Lily had died, and she wanted more for herself as well.

Severus hadn't ever spoken to anyone about what he shared now with Phoenix. He knew he didn't want her pity for his tragic, loveless life, and he was relieved that he didn't see any in her eyes.  Instead, he saw a fire in them, as if she would singularly battle against any who had ever, or would ever, cause him pain. He reached for her hand and gently grasped it, stroking the back of it with his thumb. She had more than her share of pain for someone so young, and although she had hardened herself to fight against those who had caused that pain, he could hear and feel in her that she had not let it harden her heart.  He thought he had succeeded in hardening his own heart over the years, but whatever shell he had constructed around it had been chipped away by the pure love he had found with her. It was untainted with any of the pain from their past, and yet it was also fortified with the similarly painful past that they shared.  He withdrew his hand from hers and drew out his wand, setting the table with an appetizing meal for each, and a fresh bottle of wine.

Phoenix was enjoying every second of their date. She hadn't expected anything so elaborate, but she took delight in each surprise he had been so thoughtful to arrange regardless. He was charming, attentive, and engaging, but he was even more than that too. He had shared his life story with her, and he had taken-in and embraced her own story. She couldn't help but love this man if she'd tried, and she suddenly felt foolish when she remembered the game she had planned to play. That was before, though. She felt like she'd matured a lifetime since, and she decided to forgive herself as Severus had forgiven her. "Would you like to dance?" she heard him say, and it brought her back from her thoughts. She took one more sip of wine for courage and accepted his invitation, taking his proffered hand to stand. With a wave of his wand, the dining area was transformed into a small ballroom, and the music rose. Severus swept her into motion around the dance floor, and she smiled as they danced flawlessly as if in tune with each other as much as the music. She didn't notice when the music slowed and deepened until Severus lowered his head, his face against hers, drawing her closer. They moved in unison, their bodies pressing, and she was surprised at the sensuality of him, never knowing it was in his nature, but finding it powerfully alluring and seductive.

Severus was keenly aware of the power Phoenix had over him. He did not feel weakened by it, or that his own power was diminished by it. He had spoken before of magic that would bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, but none that he'd known could compete with what he experienced with Phoenix. All of his attention was on her... how she looked elegant and wild at the same time, how her face was flushed with more than the effort of their dance, how her eyes and mouth showed both her delight and her passion... but his mind was also transfixed on an awareness of himself. He could feel every muscle that moved to the music and in response to her body, every inch of skin that touched her and even that didn't but longed to, every sense that smelled her delicious aroma, saw her lovely face, heard and felt her hot breaths, and tasted her sweet lips... and he stopped to kiss her, experiencing each of these at all at once.

Severus Snape Phoenix FreedWhere stories live. Discover now