Chapter 36 - Tears

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Phoenix could not let Severus face Voldemort alone. She she knew the Dark lord had become more dangerous... more desperate. "My wand! I need my wand," she pleaded to Lucius. Narcissa locked eyes with him, and he left to retrieve it. When he returned, he relinquished the wand to Phoenix. "Where is he? Where is Severus going to meet him?" she asked. "He is in the boathouse. He didn't say why he needed Severus. Maybe to help find Harry Potter. I don't know. If you interfere, you will risk not only yourself, but Severus as well," Lucius said. "I don't care. Actually, I do care, and that's why I'm going," Phoenix said, and she would take the risk rather than not knowing if she could have helped and didn't. She tried to sit up, but her ribs protested painfully. "Please," she asked Narcissa, "Help me to stand." Narcissa knelt down to her and whispered in her ear, "Do what you can for Severus. He loves you," she said. "I know, and I will. Thank you," Phoenix said as Narcissa helped her to her feet. Her head swam for a moment, and she steadied herself. "Can you remove the protective spells from your Manor, Lucius? I will apparate there. I do not think I am able to make it to the gates," she said. "Yes," he said, waving his wand. "Take care, Phoenix, of yourself and Severus," Lucius said, and she saw a flicker of the man, and the wizard, he once was.  She nodded her thanks to him and disapparated from the Manor.

When Phoenix apparated in the boathouse, she didn't see anyone. All she heard was the eerie sound of the water lapping against the structure. She walked as quickly as she was able, looking for them. She did not want to face Voldemort again, but she would not leave Severus to face him alone. Severus was a powerful wizard, and maybe between the two of them, they could at least have a fighting chance. She rounded the corner and was met by a nightmarish scene. Severus lay sprawled against the windows, which were covered with streaks of his blood. Her adrenaline coursed through her, and she ran to him, dropping down to him. He was bloody and lifeless, his face as white as death. "Noooo!" she screamed, grasping on to him. She drew her wand and used the only healing spell she knew. She knew that if his lifeforce was already gone no healing spells would help him. She tried reaching into his mind, but with his eyes closed, she could not make contact. "Severus! Please! I can't lose you. Not now," she sobbed. She heard something, and she looked around wildly, fearing it was Voldemort returning. She heard something on the wind, and saw a glimpse of movement coming towards them. She covered Severus's body to protect it, holding her wand at the ready. If it was a Dementor coming for his soul, she would protect him with all that she was. She saw a flash of red and orange, and the familiarity finally registered in her mind. It looked like Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix. Fawkes landed and moved towards Severus slowly. Phoenix raised to allow the magical bird to approach him. Phoenix knew of the powers of phoenixes, as they were her namesake. They had magical healing powers, and only the act of true loyalty could summon a Phoenix. Fawkes looked over Severus, as if weighing his sacrifice, and she saw the tears start to form in the bird's eyes. The tears fell onto Severus's neck, sending up smoke as they sizzled against his wounds. She heard a ragged gasp come from Severus's throat, and wondered if it was his death breath escaping or his life breath returning. Severus suddenly choked and gasped, his lungs filling with air. Phoenix took his face in her hands and saw his lifeblood returning. "Thank you! Thank you!" was all she could manage to say as she cried tears of relief. Fawkes turned away and then looked back to her. She placed Severus's hand on Fawkes's tail feathers, holding it there, and she felt herself and Severus lifted, as if weightless. Fawkes flew them towards Hogwarts, and in through its halls towards Severus's chambers. She felt herself gently dropped on the floor along with Severus, and watched as Fawkes flew to his old perch. "Thank you Fawkes. You are now free," she heard. It was Dumbledore's voice, and she realized it came from his portrait. Fawkes burst into flames, and then as soon as he was reborn, he looked at Dumbledore's portrait, bowing his head as if in deep reverence, then flew away. She looked back to Dumbledore's portrait, hoping for answers. He was unmoving, his eyes closed in sleep, but she knew in her own heart what had transpired. Severus's act of loyalty was willingly paid with his death, and by that same act, his life was renewed. She looked down at Severus, the bravest man she'd ever known, and she knew that her love for him was unbreakable. She brushed his hair away from his face, and laid her hand on his chest, reassured by the rise and fall of his breaths. They had both walked through fire today, and came out on the other side... alive.

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