Chapter 28 - Voldemort

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Severus received word in the morning that he had been granted audience with Lucius at his Manor later this evening. He had finally found a couple hours of sleep towards morning, but they had been restless, and he had slept in the chair at his desk. He had been right, it was damned uncomfortable. That didn't matter though. Today was Christmas, but that didn't matter either. He walked to the bookcase and touched the small package he had hidden there, intended to be his Christmas present to Phoenix.

Phoenix slept most of the night. She had slept in worse places. She hadn't heard a sound since she'd been there. She still hadn't come up with any real plan. The day stretched on. With no window, she could only guess at the passage of time. She heard the door unlock and she stood, expecting the Carrows. She would fight them if she saw an opportunity. When the light streamed in from the open door, she squinted. She felt a cold shiver run through her. When the form before became more clear, she gasped. It was the Dark lord, in the flesh, right before her, and Nagini was at his side. Maybe the Carrows had been telling the truth. Voldemort looked directly into her eyes, unblinking, as if he were trying to see into her soul. She saw into his, and she looked away, disgusted. If she had her wand, she would have made her stand here and now. "So... you are the object of Severus's affections. I can see why he is so taken with you. I suspect there is more to you than he has admitted. Has he been training you in Occlumency?  You are blocking me from your mind," Voldemort said, and she was surprised he revealed that to her. "No, I'm not trying to. Severus said that he could not penetrate my mind either. I don't know why," she figured she would be honest about what she was able. She knew he was dangerous, and she could feel the evil emanating from him. "And what hold do you have over Severus, besides the obvious?" he asked, looking at her even more intently. She knew she must tread carefully. "He seems to like having me around... most of the time, when it pleases him," she said, softening her expression and demeanor to appear subservient. "And what are your plans with Severus?" he asked, his voice growing more cold. "I would like to stay with him as long as he allows it. I like being at Hogwarts with the children. I would even like to teach one day," she said, hoping he wouldn't ask about her parents. Maybe if she kept talking, he would think she was a simple girl, basking in the affection of the Headmaster. "Severus said he thinks I would be a good teacher. He's such a busy man. He has a lot to do with running the school and everything. But he said he would support me if I wanted to continue my education. I haven't decided what I want to learn yet though. Maybe potions, like him," she said, rattling on. He stared at her with even more intensity. She lowered her eyes and clasped her hands together in front of her, as if nervously awaiting his actions. "Come with me," he said, and she followed, staying as far as possible from his snake. He led her to the main hall of the Manor, and they stood, waiting. She had no idea for what, but she stood calmly, expecting the worst.

Severus entered through the main gates of Malfoy Manor. He would know almost immediately if Lucius knew of Phoenix's whereabouts. Lucius's was a powerful wizard... was. His powers had been diminished of late. If he didn't know where she was, he would have to implore him to let him search his Manor. He climbed the stairs quickly, and when he neared the top, he slowed, stunned by what he saw. The Dark lord stood there, and by his side was Phoenix. "My lord?" he said slowly, completely nonplussed by the situation, and what it could possibly mean. "Severus, my friend, one would think you had seen life brought back from death. What once was lost, has now been found," Voldemort said magnanimously, motioning with his hand to Phoenix.  Severus stepped closer, looking at Phoenix, and then at Voldemort. "My lord, I am grateful you have found her. When she was taken, I had feared the worst," he said, not offering too much until he knew his intentions. "And you were justified in your fears. However it was not I who stole your prize from you, as surely you would not think that I would not be a merciful lord, and deny you your pleasure, on Christmas no less. You are a faithful servant, Severus, and I will assure you that those who have wavered in their service to me have been dealt with. They will, however, not remember their transgression, as I have taken that memory from them," Voldemort said to Severus. "Thank you, my lord," Severus replied, relieved by what his words revealed, feeling hope growing that they may make it though this trial unscathed. "You may take her... with conditions," Voldemort said, and Severus froze. "That you supply a story that satisfies everyone and implicates no one... and that you remove the memory of this event from your beloved. I'm sure that will not be a problem for you, Severus."  Severus nodded. He wondered if Voldemort suspected that Phoenix knew of his supposed allegiance to him. If he did or didn't, he would not allow her memory of him to remain. Voldemort drew a wand out from his sleeve and handed it to Phoenix. Phoenix accepted it, and said to Voldemort, "Thank you, my lord, for everything."  Severus was impressed that she had maintained her calm demeanor. He was sure she would have loved to have tried to strike down Voldemort where he stood. Perhaps even together they would have a chance. But this was not how Dumbledore had intended Voldemort to die, and he would wait. He saw a quick flash in her eyes, and he hoped she would wait as well. "If there is nothing else, my lord, I will take my lovely date back home. I'm sure she is ready," Severus said. "I'm sure she is. Just as you will be when you are called upon," Voldemort replied.  "Of course, my lord," Severus said, and offered his hand to Phoenix. She took it eagerly, and when he apparated them back to his chambers, he felt like he could finally breath again.

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