Chapter 4 - Phoenix

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Author's Note: The picture above is kind of what I imagined Phoenix to look like, but with longer, wavier hair. I wish I knew how to edit photos to make Alan Rickman look like Severus here:)

Phoenix had managed, quite successfully in her opinion, to balance her week with Severus in a way as to not give him reason to change his mind. She had been helpful, and amiable, while staying out of his way as much as possible. He was often distracted and she would find him pacing the floor or brooding at his desk. They had shared his bed, as they did the first night, keeping to their respective sides. She knew some nights he slept very little, if any, and some nights she had the bed to herself when he had other things to attend to. She never inquired to his absence, however, knowing from his words that his allegiance with the Dark lord was not necessarily as it seemed. Neither of them had addressed the question of her situation, or the possibility of her remaining at Hogwarts, and it was all beginning to weigh on her. Tonight, when he slid under his side of the blanket, she decided she would muster her courage to make sure her plan would not fail. "I'm chilled.  Would you mind if I shares some of your warmth?" she asked, as she scooted over to lay gently against Severus, her back to him. 'Not too much,' she told herself. To her own surprise, she felt Severus slip his arm under her head, and he put his arm across her, his hand resting on her shoulder. She had to admit to herself that it felt nice, regardless of her plan, and she snuggled in and fell asleep.

Severus didn't know what game she was playing when she laid against him, but he decided to play along. So far this week, he had found her company to be easy and even enjoyable. Despite his initial impression that she was perhaps trying to sway his decision to allow her to stay through more persuasive efforts, he got the distinct impression over the last week of her true innocent nature. Whether innocent or not, it felt nice to have her body against his. He had been so lonely for so long, and he would take the contact for whatever it's intended purpose. If it led to something more, however, he would not be the one doing the leading, he decided. When he pulled her against him, he heard her quickly drift off to sleep. He felt himself relaxing against her, a little surprised as he felt a comfortable sleep come over him as well, and they slept unmoving until morning. The pain in Severus's arm woke him up. It was almost numb, but he could still feel the wetness of her drool since she had used it as a pillow all night. He tried to sneak it out from under her head without waking her, but he heard her stir as he did so. Within seconds he felt the pins and needles in his arm as the blood rushed into his veins. He set his teeth against making a sound and rose to get dressed. He watched as she stretched and yawned, and then when she saw him, she smiled sleepily up at him. "Good Morning," she said. "I slept good. How about you?" she asked. He thought about it, surprised to realize that he'd slept better than he had in years. "Good," he managed to croak out, not wanting to meet her eyes. She slid out from under the covers to gather her clothes, which were behind him on the chair. He had managed so far this week to be gone from the bedchamber before she woke, but he has uncharacteristically slept through the whole night. He couldn't help but glance up to see she was wearing only her panties and a camisole. Merlin's Beard she was no longer a scrawny girl. She had filled out nicely and had lovely curves in all the places a woman might. He also noticed toned muscles moving under her soft skin, and wondered how she had managed to acquire those. He couldn't ask without revealing how closely he was inspecting her from under his veiled eyes. She dressed quickly and must have noticed he was taking a while to dress himself, and she stopped a moment to look directly at him. "Troubles?" she asked, smiling. One corner of his mouth turned up in a smile against his will, and he replied, "It would seem that my arm is waging a silent protest against being used as a pillow. It hasn't quite woken up yet," he said, finding a rare instance of humor in his life. "Ah, let me help," she said, coming to stand in front of him. She gently brushed aside his hands to take up the task of buttoning his multitude of buttons on his jacket, and he allowed her. He expelled any thoughts from his brain while she did so, not allowing her closeness to affect him. If she ever offered to do the opposite though, and help him in unbuttoning, he may have to relent. That thought sneaked past his own defense and he kicked himself inwardly. Without thinking, he reached up to stroke her hair. "Thank you," he said, and he looked at her finally. He noticed her pale lips quivering, and she licked them nervously. He pulled his hand back, thinking he may have overstepped. She quickly retrieved his hand and brought it to her lips, kissing his fingertips. "No, thank 'you,'" she said shyly, and he felt a twinge in his lower abdomen that was almost painful...almost. He brushed his thumb across her lips before stepping back and turning on his heel to grab his robe. As he swung it around to slip his arms in, he looked at her, seeing her place her fingers lightly against her lips where he'd touched them.

Phoenix felt like a jolt of electricity had passed between them when he'd touched her lips. It was unnerving, but not unpleasant. She knew the game she was playing was dangerous, but she was suddenly unsure of herself. Maybe this was a game that should be left to those with more expertise. She knew she couldn't back down now, but the game seemed out of her wheelhouse. She hadn't expected to feel anything. Especially not what she was feeling now. She had never looked at her Professor as a man before. Sure, she knew he was a man, but she had never had an attraction to him. He was older. Now that she was older, he didn't appear the same to her. She had found herself watching him more and more as the week progressed, appreciating the way he moved, his subtle expressions, his eyes and how they held more than he ever expressed out loud. When he did speak, she found herself hanging on his words and how his deep voice dropped even deeper when the emotions he did not show otherwise presented themselves. Now, she watched him as he dressed, and he was as impressive without his clothes as he was with. He had a broad chest and shoulders, and his stomach was lined with dark, soft looking hair, leading down into...dammit! She should have looked away. He was masculine in a way that was completely unknown to her. Looking at him was enticing in a way that made her not want to look away. She would even admit to herself that she had enjoyed being so close to him while buttoning his jacket. It was like playing with fire, and she felt the power emanating from him, and she was surprised how much she was drawn to it. She would have to be careful. A part of her rebelled against that thought. She had no reason to be careful. She had been careful her whole life before her parents died, and look where it got her. Her whole life had changed after her parents were killed.  She wasn't that same naive girl that went to Hogwarts. She was Phoenix...and she vowed that she would rise from her own flames to retake control of her life, whatever that life would be. First, she would uphold her first vow, to avenge her parents, and she inwardly reaffirmed to herself her focus on that task. She was brought from her thoughts by his voice, and she noticed it was deep and resonate.

"I can tell the Dark lord that I am in need of an assistant. My last one left much to be desired," Severus said, thinking of Wormtail. Phoenix would definitely be more desirable than that sniveling rat. He hadn't expected to play at this game, but maybe it would be a nice distraction. A dangerous one. Both because he had felt the almost palpable drawn to her all week, but also because Voldemort would certainly get wind of her presence. He could explain that away, and if the Dark lord could imagine Severus's intentions to be less than honorable, he may even respect him more for it. "On one condition," Severus decided aloud, "That you will be my assistant in public, but you will reside here in my chambers, where I can keep an eye on you until I can provide more appropriate accommodations."  He saw her eyes widen at that, and he felt some pleasure at giving her the answer she had desired. She smiled broadly, and his eyes met with hers, "Agreed!" she said, offering her hand to seal the deal. He took it in his, then brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on it. He was intrigued when he saw her swallow hard.

Forget getting burned, Phoenix wondered if she just stepped directly into the fire. She felt a jolt of electricity as he placed his gorgeous lips on her hands. Och...gorgeous?! What was she thinking!?  It had been hell sharing a bed with this gorgeous man... that was what she was thinking, and she could kick herself for thinking it. She had tried to control her the feelings she had felt creeping in on her each night, but he had taken over almost every waking hour of her thoughts... not to mention her dreams. But their purpose aligned, and this was what she had wanted and even asked for. Actually, she suddenly wondered how their purposes aligned. She knew her focus here, but surely he didn't really need an assistant. Maybe he was just doing this to help her. She was not so naive to think that he may not have his own intentions, especially since she had basically thrown herself at him when he first brought her here. She had tried to be subtle, but maybe she wasn't as smart as she thought. She had gotten her way though, and she wasn't about to let the details get to her and make her feel like she had made a mistake.  With a sudden burst of gratitude and bravery, she placed a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you, Severus.  You won't regret it."

Severus felt the electricity himself when she'd kissed him on the cheek. Maybe this would be the distraction he needed to ease the foreboding feelings of assuming the role of Headmaster of Hogwarts. Or it would do him in. Either route sounded better than the dark solitude he expected for himself.

Severus Snape Phoenix FreedWhere stories live. Discover now