Chapter 3 - The Game

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Phoenix considered what he said. He could take her to the Order... that could suit her purpose.  But what about her friends?  She didn't want to leave them. What if they weren't safe as he said?  She would feel much better with them in her sight. She decided she would do her best to make sure of that somehow. Her brain was working on a plan... and it scared the hell out of her. As her plan formed, her heart started beating a little faster, and she felt like this could be a true test of her resolve to remain fearless in the face of certain danger. Now, she looked danger directly in 'his' face, which happened to be that of her former Potions Professor. "When will we leave? I've been on watch for a day, and I'm tired. Would you allow me to sleep here before we go?" she asked bluntly. He looked a little more shocked than she thought he might at the question. She needed to guard her thoughts. She couldn't allow him to see her plan.

"Yes," Severus said hesitantly. He knew it would be dangerous to move her this late in the night anyway. He still needed to return to Malfoy Manor tonight to assure the other Death Eaters that his search was fruitless.  The thought of keeping her here another minute made him uneasy as well. He wasn't sure why. There was something about her that pulled at him. She was lovely, no doubt, but there was also something very alluring about her. He felt her strength and passion as if it exuded from her every pore. He cursed himself, which was becoming more frequent with her around...he was not a schoolboy, unable to control his emotions. Yet here he was experiencing something he hadn't felt since he was a schoolboy...butterflies. He slammed that thought out of his head. That was not a complication he needed right be thinking about a woman...this woman. "Then I must leave you here for a while. I have some loose ends to tie up, but I will return soon," he said, and led her to his bed chamber. "Please, make yourself comfortable. You are not a prisoner, but if you choose to leave here, I can no longer accept your fate as my responsibility," he said sternly. He saw her nod her agreement, and he left for Malfoy Manor before he had second thoughts.

The other students taken earlier were all huddled together on the floor of the Manor. Death Eaters guarded them, waiting for him to return to give his instructions. "The other one I saw made their escape. No matter though, it wasn't a student. Make sure these are fed and made comfortable. They are our... guests... until term resumes," Severus said, disguising his voice subtly as to not give away his identity to the students who might recognize it despite his mask.

With his orders in place, he made his way back to his quarters. He sat at his desk, which was formerly Dumbledore's and poured himself a drink. He wondered where he would sleep tonight with the young woman taking his bed. He didn't require much sleep for himself, and rarely found peaceful sleep, especially since Dumbledore's death, but tonight he was tired to the bone. He tried to lay his head back in the chair, but it was damned uncomfortable. He convinced himself that that was the reason he would see if there was any room left in his bed, knowing that he'd slept in worse places, and he headed for his bed chamber.

She was sleeping far to one side of the bed, as if she had left the rest open to him. He would not make that assumption though, and coughed lightly to see if he could wake her. She still had a candle lit, and he could see her face turn to him. She smiled up at him.

"I couldn't deprive you of your bed. I've left plenty of room for you. Although it may be a challenge to share the cover," she said matter-of-factly, but he could swear her eyes held a mischievous glint. He froze for a moment, then set his jaw and moved. Fortunately, she turned her head away as he disrobed and climbed into bed. He tried to settle in as far to his side of the bed as possible, and then realized what she said about sharing the cover to be true. He decided to go without a cover, and crossed his arms tightly over his chest. He heard her blow out the candle and then giggle lightly. He suddenly felt the blanket being thrown over him as she rolled a little closer to him. "Don't worry, I don't bite," he heard her say with a tinge of humor in her voice.

Severus Snape Phoenix FreedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang