Chapter 37 - Forever

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Phoenix was worried about Severus. He hadn't regained consciousness. She didn't want to leave him alone here in the Headmaster's chambers, but she wanted to try to find help for him. She had seen some of the destruction of the school as Fawkes had flown them here, and she was shocked at the devastation. She had missed the battle while she was being held by Voldemort at Malfoy Manor. She had no idea if anyone was even still alive, and she was worried her friends. If Voldemort had won the battle, then she feared that she would only find his forces outside, and it might not be long before they found their way here. She had to take that chance. She couldn't lift Severus from the floor, so she made him as comfortable as possible before she left to find help.

Phoenix sprinted through the halls of Hogwarts, and when she reached the great hall, she found it filled with survivors, as well as those who had fallen in battle laid out in rows. There were many who were injured too, and she was afraid she wouldn't find anyone free to help her. She looked around for her friends. She finally spotted them huddled together towards the back. "Is everyone ok?" she asked Edgar.

"We're fine. All of us. Just some minor injuries," Edgar said, his arms around the twins. They all looked a bit worse for wear. "There were too many of them, Phoenix, but we fought them. Where were you by the way?  We were worried about you," he said, his expression one of concern and relief.

"I was captured by Voldemort. I will have to tell you all of it later. Severus is hurt. Voldemort attacked him. It's a long story, but I need to find help for him," Phoenix said desperately.

"Then you didn't see what happened, did you...," Edgar said as if he dreaded telling her the news. "He started to attack Harry Potter, and Professor Mcgonagall drove him away.  No one might want to help him," he said.

"That can't be true. He's been protecting Potter and the school," Phoenix said with certainty.

"I believe you. But please be careful Phoenix. Voldemort is still alive. He's looking for Harry. I don't know what's going to happen," Edgar said worriedly.

"You take care of each other. I will find you later. Don't worry about me. I will be fine. No matter what," Phoenix smiled, then placed her hand on his cheek, seeing the love and courage in his young face. She looked at each of her friends in turn, then hurried off to hopefully find the person she had in mind that she knew she could count on.

She saw Professor Slughorn and ran to him. "Professor, I need help," she said, grabbing on to his arm.

"Yes, dear, what's wrong?" he asked, his eyes wide.

"I... need help with someone who's hurt. Can you help?" she asked, afraid to tell him it was Severus who needed help.

"Let me grab my bag," Professor Slughorn said and followed her without question. When they got back to Severus, he was still unconscious but breathing. Slughorn knelt next to him, looking him over. "Tell me what happened," he said, as she knelt on his other side.

"I was being held at Malfoy Manor. Voldemort captured and tortured me.  Severus came to save me, but Lucius said Voldemort called for him, so he left to meet him. I went to go help him, and I found him. He was dying. Fawkes came and saved him from certain death. Fawkes brought us back here. Severus hasn't regained consciousness. I worried about him," she told him desperately.

Slughorn looked at her for a moment as if that was a lot to absorb, then gave her a reassuring smile. "I will do what I can," he said before turning his attention to Severus. He unfastened Severus's jacket and shirt, revealing scars from his injuries. "It looks like he was struck by a killing curse and also by the Dark lord's snake, Nagini. He should be dead. Fawkes most definitely saved him," Slughorn explained, and Phoenix could hear a bit of awe in his voice. "I don't know why he is still unconscious. Perhaps the wounds were so dire that he needs to recover. I have a potion..." he said as he rummaged through his bag. "Hold his head up," he said, and she quickly obeyed. The Professor took a small vial from his bag and put it to Severus's lips, emptying the entire contents into his mouth.

Severus Snape Phoenix FreedWhere stories live. Discover now