Chapter 26 - Christmas

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Phoenix enjoyed working with Professor Slughorn.  He was good natured and always had a smile for her, whether he had his own worries or not. She had gathered that he was a bit of a socialite, enjoying the company of others, especially those he could find some value in... either exceptional students who he could claim as his, or even people of power or influence. She was neither, but he must have seen something in her to approach her for her assistance. She didn't care about any of that, she enjoyed helping him plan the party.  Now that she was going to be going with Severus, she was especially excited. "So have you confirmed your date for the party?" Slughorn asked. She suspected the Professor was a bit of a matchmaker. He asked her about her love interests at every turn. "Yes, I have a date. What about you?  Is there a lucky lady?" she asked, turning the tables. "Oh, no," he laughed. "There is no one I fancy, and I can't imagine someone setting their sites on me.  I find my romantic side is appeased by providing the encouragement or the venue for other lonely hearts to find one another," he said, and she had thought as much. "Well, perhaps if I ever meet a lady worthy of your company, I will have to nudge you as you do others," she replied. "You do that. I will await Cupid's arrow. But I think you've already been struck by it, and I do believe it is a mortal wound," he teased. She smiled, "I think you may be right, Professor. To die is to live is to die. Or something like that. I would die for him, and I would kill for him. I am sure he feels the same." She saw the Professor's eyes grow big for a moment, and then he smiled back, "Yes, that is love. To consume and to be consumed. Ah, to be young again. Well, I hope you save at least one dance for me at the party." "I will, I promise," she said as he kissed her on the cheek. "If I'd had a daughter, I hope she'd be as charming as you," he said, and she saw the truth in his eyes. "Well if I ever get married, I will ask you to give me away," she said. "Oh, dear, you flatter me. I would be more than honored," he said, and she thought she could see his eyes sparkle with tears.

Tonight was the night. She got dressed in her own room. She didn't want Severus to see her fussing over her appearance. Her dress fit perfectly.  She was so happy with it. She had told Professor Slughorn it was too fancy for her, but he had insisted. He had picked her out a pair of shoes as well, and she was relieved they were as comfortable as they were lovely. He had presented her with a tiny vial too, and he told her it was a perfume he had created himself. He said that, as a Potions Professor, he enjoyed dabbling in creating scents, and she thought it was fitting. She looked in the mirror, finally satisfied with her appearance, and she dabbed the perfume on her neck, with a dot on her cleavage for good measure. "Mmmm," she exclaimed, as the scent reached her nose, and she was impressed.

Severus was looking forward to this party. They had kept their relationship under tight wraps for the most part. He knew some people suspected, but no one knew, except for maybe Phoenix's friends and the Carrows.  Even tonight, she would simply appear as his date for the evening, but he was sure it would raise a few eyebrows. He'd never taken a date to any previous parties. Most students and staff had returned home for the holiday break, and he didn't blame them. It had been a trying year for all of them. He waited at his desk for Phoenix. He had already dressed. He wore the same clothes he'd worn for their first date, adding an ascot this time. She finally appeared, and he rose to meet her, holding a corsage for her. She walked over to him, stopping a few feet away. "You look absolutely beautiful. Absolutely," he said, and she did. The color of her dress matched her hair at the top, and then faded to silver in an ombré of shiny sequins of what looked like tiny shells. She had flowers in her hair, that coincidentally matched his corsage perfectly. He had went to Professor Slughorn to inquire of where to get an appropriate corsage, and the Professor supposedly had a spare. He suspected the Professor might not have been as ignorant to them attending together as he had thought. He approached her, running his hand on her dress, feeling the material, and he was surprised that it was impossibly soft and light.  "May I?" he asked, showing her the corsage. "Oh, Severus, it's beautiful. How did you know?" she asked, obviously surprised at how it matched the flowers in her hair. "I have my ways," he said, pinning it on her. He lowered to kiss her, and was met by her aroma. It was sweetly exotic yet subtly familiar. "Mmmm," he said against her lips, both at the kiss and her perfume. He followed the scent down to her neck, kissing along the way. He kissed his way up to her ear, whispering huskily, "How important is attending this part to you?"  "Severus!" she scolded playfully. "We could at least arrive fashionably late, right?" he asked, kissing her ear. She moaned, "Anticipation is good for the soul, Severus," she said, and he could tell from her breathy voice that she was not unaffected. He was almost sure he could persuade her, but he would not deny her any time spent together at the party. He was also looking forward to it as well, he admitted to himself, even though he would have to contend with the anticipation of their after party activities. 

As they entered the grand hall, fashioned as an elaborately decorated ballroom, all eyes settled on them. He imagined not only their surprise at seeing him escorting a date, but the strikingly beautiful appearance of his date. He walked in proudly with her on his arm, walking past the open mouths and whispers. He noticed many reached out to her, touching her arm, telling her how lovely she was, or complimenting her dress. He never realized how popular she was with the students and staff, and he felt some regret he hadn't shared that part of her life with her.  Professor Slughorn made his way through the crowd to greet them. "Oh Phoenix, you look as lovely as I imagined," he said, taking her hand in his and kissing it. He glanced over at Severus, "Professor, thank you for escorting our lovely guest. She had promised me a dance, so I hope you are willing to share her attention."  Severus replied, "Thank you for hosting. I appreciate the opportunity to dance with my beautiful date," he said, intentionally ignoring his request. He hoped Slughorn would be the only one making that request, as he was not in the mood to share her with anyone. "Pardon me a moment," Severus said, leaving the two to converse about the party they'd planned together to retrieve drinks. When he returned, there was a bit of a gathering around them. Everyone seemed pleased with the party and was offering their compliments. One boy was asking Phoenix if she had a date and if he could dance with her once she ditched the chaperone. He handed her and Slughorn their drinks. He started to speak, but Phoenix beat him to it, grabbing his arm, saying loudly, "This is my dashing date. And if anyone wants a dance with him, they may have to fight me for it," she said smiling. "Speaking of dancing," Slughorn said, "Let us get started." Severus and Phoenix finished their drinks, walking around the room, looking at all of the decorations and lights. "What do you think, Severus? Can you recognize the inspiration?" Phoenix asked. He did. It reminded him of the magic he had created for their first date with the stars and clouds. "Yes," he smiled, "It is wonderful. I hope this date goes as well." "It may even be better," she replied. They found themselves in the middle of the dance floor when the music started. All of the students quickly retreated, not wanting to be the first to dance. It left them in the spotlight. He bowed to her and proffered his hand, "May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?" he asked. "Of course, the pleasure is mine," she replied, taking his hand. He swept her around the dance floor, his eyes riveted on her. He had forgotten anyone else was in the room until the music stopped and the whole crowd erupted in applause. They both bowed and Phoenix laughed. She was absolutely stunning, he thought. They waited out the next dance as Phoenix went around the room encouraging the students to get on the dance floor. Slughorn approached him while he was alone. "She is a pearl of great price, is she not?" Slughorn asked as he watched her. "That is very prophetic, Professor... but accurate," Severus replied. "Might I ask her for the next dance? I have a favorite song I have chosen. I would like to claim my dance before a queue starts," he smiled knowingly at Severus. "Yes, you may. But Phoenix may not be the only one willing to fight off the horde of eager admirers," Severus said, sharing a look with Slughorn.

Phoenix was so happy with how the night was going. Her and Severus danced most of the dances, and Severus managed to avoid sharing her with all but a few. She felt like the belle of the ball. Professor Slughorn was a surprisingly adept dancer, and he seemed happy that her and Severus were enjoying themselves. She was dancing with one of the older students when suddenly all of the candles blew out. The room was completely dark, and some of the students screamed. "Remain calm and do not move," she heard Severus say loudly. He drew out his wand, and suddenly the room was illuminated, the ceiling appearing exactly as it had on their first date. "Resume your festivities," was the last thing she heard him say as she felt herself disapparated from the room.

Severus Snape Phoenix FreedWhere stories live. Discover now