Chapter 18 - Magical

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Phoenix felt like her body would melt like hot candle wax with his kiss. He pulled his mouth from hers and moved it to her ear, whispering, "Apparate us back home." She was surprised at his request. She hadn't had the best experience at trying to apparate, and yet he would trust her to apparate them both? "Me? Us? Are you sure?" she asked. He raised to look at her, "I have found that the desire to be someplace increases the chance of success." She smiled at that, seeing both the challenge and the humor. "Well then, I should have no problem at all," she said, offering him her arm. She pictured in her mind where she wanted to go, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself in Severus's chambers. She was relieved to find that they had both made it back in one piece. "Well done," Severus said. She smiled and curtsied, "Thank you." He moved in to put his hand around her waist. "I must say though, that I'm a bit disappointed you apparated us to my office instead of my bedchamber," he said, lifting her hand to kiss it, letting his mouth linger on it. The sensation was so vivid, her nerves and all of her senses so amplified that she was shaking. "As much as I want to end up there tonight, I want to enjoy the journey with you," she said coyly. Then I would like to ask if you would allow me to escort you?" Severus said gallantly, offering her his arm, and she smiled and accepted. She saw the rakish look in eyes as he glanced over at her, and she felt her heart skip a beat.

Severus no longer felt the nervous jitters he'd felt at the beginning of their date. He felt self-assured as he led Phoenix into his bedchamber. The entire evening had been like... magic? A corner of his mouth turned up at that. He knew all of the magic he had used to make their evening special wasn't really necessary. She was enchanting enough to have made their date magical without it. He stopped her as they neared the bed and turned to her. He reached into her hair and pulled out the clasp to let the rest of her hair fall free. He ran his hands back into her hair, pulling her into a kiss. He noticed she was almost breathless already, and that knowledge drove him in his intentness to show her the depth of pleasure their love could hold. "Turn around," he said, more than ready to rid her of her lovely dress. She obeyed, and he moved her hair over her shoulder, then unbuttoned her dress. He glided his hands over the silky skin of her back, moving his hands into her dress around her waist. He lowered his head to kiss her neck, his hands splayed against her stomach, and he heard her take a deep breath. He moved his hands up to grasp her breasts as he kissed her ear. He heard an "mmmm" come from her, and he found enough room to run his hand down inside the front of her dress to between her legs. He massaged her firmly and heard her moan. When he slid his fingers in, she was wet and slick, and he felt her thighs quiver. He moved his fingers in her as he kissed her ear and neck, and he felt her shift, as if her knees started to buckle and she'd caught herself.

Phoenix couldn't take any more of this standing up. Her legs felt weak under her, and she couldn't stop them from shaking. She moved forward so he could remove his hands from her dress and turned to face him. She slowly raised her gaze to meet his, and she was almost undone by the smoldering look in his eyes. His seductive lips were parted, his eyes dark with the depth of his passion for her. She ran her hands across his jacket, and as handsome as he looked in it, she wanted to feel his skin. She unbuttoned his jacket, trying not to rush as he watched her silently. She finally undid the last button, then pulled his jacket down off of his shoulders. He pulled it off the rest of the way, tossing it to the side as she reached up to his shirt, grateful he'd chosen to forego his ascot. As she worked on the buttons of his shirt, she felt his chest moving with deep breaths. She made a concentrated effort to keep her hands from shaking as she made it down to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it from his breeches and then over and down his shoulders. She grasped the cloth of his shirt tightly and pulled him towards her, kissing across his chest. She heard him inhale sharply as she licked across his nipple and then moved to do the same to the other one. She reached her hand down to the front pouch of his breeches, finding it bulging and tight. She rubbed it firmly with her hand, easily finding the outline of his hardness. She felt him press into her touch, and she reached down with her other hand to undo the buttons, which were off to one side of the pouch. She reached her hand into his boxers, freeing him completely, and stroked his bare taught hardness. Phoenix heard a slow building groan from him as he reached to quickly strip off her dress. Severus pulled her against him, kissing her neck and shoulders as he both roughly and sensually moved his hands over her body. She realized her hand was still on him, and she stroked him as he moved his hand behind her and between her legs, pushing his fingers into her. Their breaths were both heaving now as she grabbed the waist of his pants, pulling them down. He took over and pulled them off his legs, stepping out of them, followed by his shorts. He moved to embrace her again, kissing her, showing her his passion for her.  Phoenix grasped at his back, her fingers digging in, feeling as if he was too far apart from her, even though they were pressed hard against each other. Phoenix felt herself being lifted up and carried to his bed, and when their eyes met, she felt her body flush with a wave of heated anticipation. Severus laid her down and stood over her, his body a statue of raw maleness. Her body unconsciously moved sensually as he gazed at her.  Severus moved onto the bed with her, and she relished in the heat of his body laying against hers. A long moan came from her as he moved his hand down to stroke her as he watched her. She could feel herself starting to quiver, and she closed her eyes, her breath quickening. He lowered his head to her stomach and moved his mouth seductively to kiss down to her mound, his tongue playing with her ringlets of soft hair, his lips placing firm kisses on top of her. He let his hot tongue slip in, and she gasped loudly, her hands grasping into his hair. She was shocked at his act and also at the intense sensation from it. He moved his tongue around her slowly in circles, then moved his whole mouth over her, kissing and licking her in an exquisitely slow rhythm. She breathed out his name lustfully, and she sucked in a quick breath as it drove him to quicken his pace. He moved his hand to her then, sliding his fingers into her, matching the tempo of his mouth. A throaty cry escaped her throat as she felt the shocking pleasure of it all.  She arched her body, pleading with him to keep going or to stop, as she wasn't sure of the words and sounds coming from herself. He slowed, and she opened her eyes to watch him as he trailed gentle kisses everywhere he'd touched.

Severus relished in the pleasure he brought to her. Every sound and movement encouraging him even more to coax her body to respond to his touch. He felt her moving closer to her climax, and he slowed, feeling his own aching need growing to the point of sweet agony. He moved up, trailing hard kisses up her center, both of them shaking with anticipation. He reached down and guided himself to her and entered her in a hard, desperate thrust. He heard her gasp and felt her buck against him, and he pulled himself from her only to drive back into her again and again, bringing her quickly back to her orgasm. He felt her growing closer with each thrust, and he didn't relent until he felt her explode, the spasm of her release squeezing onto him. He was afraid he couldn't control his own savage desire to ravish her as he felt his own driving need for release, and he grabbed her and swiftly rolled her on top of him. She must have felt his urgency and she drove herself onto him, watching him from under her eyelids as his mouth opened in quick gasps. His muscle were tight, his hands grabbing her thighs, his fingers kneading. He heard her whimpers as she slammed herself on him, over and over. He cried out huskily as he felt his own orgasm building, his face contorting, the prolonged intensity almost agony, until he felt himself erupt into her, sending shockwaves into his core. He shuddered, his ragged breaths heaving from his chest. She collapsed on him, and he pulled her into his arms, unable to speak as she lovingly stroked his face.

Author's note:  Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter. The steamy chapters always take a bit more courage for me to write, so I have to be in the right mindset. Maybe I should start drinking brandy:) Just kidding, it's awful stuff (to me:). Anyway, I finally had an epiphany on the direction this story should go, and I like to credit my inspiration to Alan Rickman (Severus Snape, among others), as I always imagine him guiding me along each of my chapters.  Of course, he had an art at subtlety that seems to be out of my grasp:)

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