Chapter 11 - Barred

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Severus entered Malfoy Manor. He was beginning to dread it more each time. School was to resume in a week, and he wanted to check on the group of captive students and assure their well-being since he would be bringing them back with him within days. He was appalled at the condition they were being kept in. They weren't being kept in the cellar at least, but their accommodations were still bad. It was a small, partially exterior service room off the kitchen. It smelled like rotten food and waste. He returned to the grand dining hall to confront Lucius. Lucius did not look himself since his return from Azkaban. Severus wondered if it was his short stint in the prison that had broken him or the Dark lord himself. Lucius welcomed him to have a seat, and Narcissa followed close behind and brought them both a drink. Severus saw her look at him when she handed him his glass, knowing she entrusted him with the safety of her son. He nodded briefly to her, thanking her for the drink, then waited until she left the room before talking with Lucius. "What are you thinking!?" he said to Lucius through his teeth,  and saw Lucius flinch, "Those are children! Students! Just like your own son. I want them to be treated humanely, and if they are not in clean, healthy condition when I come for them, you will answer to me."  He said the last part in a dangerous whisper. He knew Lucius did not want to be his enemy, and Lucius knew that Voldemort held Severus in high esteem, so he had little fear of the shell of a man in front of him. "I'm afraid I have overlooked their care. I entrusted the Callows to watch after them, and it seems they may have neglected their duties. Rest assured, I will rectify the situation," Lucius said, looking as if his mind was elsewhere already. Severus made his exit and noticed Narcissa had been standing at the entrance to the room, close enough to hear. "Don't worry Severus. I will see to it," she said as he passed. He stopped and held her gaze for a moment, "Thank you Narcissa." Suddenly, Alecto Carrow ran up to Narcissa, her nose a bloody mess and spoke in a low voice to her. Severus picked up most of the conversation, though, and it seemed someone had attacked her down near the children, and yet none of them were missing. Alecto turned to Severus. "Probably the one you let get away, coming back to save his friends," she said with a sour voice that matched her permanently sour face. He normally would have said something to make her back down, but he was aware of her cruel streak, and he knew she would take it out on the children instead of him. Instead, he chose to give her one of his most dangerous looks until she looked down, and then turned on his heel and left. After leaving the Malfoy's, he returned to his home on Spinner's End, where he spent most of his summers. He gathered a few items for Phoenix and for himself, then apparated directly back to his chambers. He didn't linger long. He had a bad feeling about the attack on Alecto, and he felt in his gut he knew who it was, and he certainly wasn't happy about it.

Phoenix had apparated directly outside the Malfoy Manor. She stayed in the shadows listening to see if she could hear or sense her friends. She had been just outside the Malfoy Manor estate before, carefully scoping out the place for the last year, hoping to gain an edge against Voldemort or his legion. She was pleased with herself that she had apparated successfully for the first time, and she knew she had guessed right when she looked into a barred window. She moved stealthily until she was close enough to the students for them to hear her speak softly, "Edgar, come here." She could see all of the students smile and whisper loudly, and she quickly shushed them. Edgar came over to her and she handed him some items through the bars to put in his pocket for the others. "Hurry and eat, so they don't find it on you. I will be at Hogwarts when you get there. I've worked my way into a position in the library so we can stay together." Edgar asked, "What about our mission? I was hoping to try something if we get the chance." "No! Just don't do anything yet. I don't want any of you to get hurt. I will need you more at Hogwarts, trust me, alright?" Phoenix said, and she promised to see them again soon before she moved off. She didn't want to leave yet. Since she could apparate, it gave her a new sense of daring. If she were caught, she could simply apparate back to Hogwarts. She slinked around the corner and towards the front of the house. She stayed in the shadows, listening for anything. She heard a breath, and before she could move, she was suddenly grabbed from behind. She didn't want whoever it was to see her face, so she slammed her head back into their nose. She took off running as the attacker lost their grip and she apparated at a sprint.

Severus went to each room of the chambers, checking for Phoenix. She wasn't there. Her broom was there though. He didn't understand. There was no way she could make it to Malfoy Manor so quickly without flying, unless... dammit. He wasn't aware she could apparate. Surely if she could she would have done so from the rooftop that night instead of taking his broom. If she had apparated out, she might not know that apparating back in was a different story altogether. Very few were allowed to apparate into Hogwarts, and after the term resumed, both entry and exit would be blocked to all but those few. Protective spells were in place even now, and if she tried to apparate back, she would be painfully rejected to outside the barrier, and depending on how high up she was when she hit, she could seriously injure herself, or worse. If not, he would make sure she learned her lesson regardless.

Phoenix woke up in a painful heap on the ground. She didn't understand, she had apparated just fine earlier. This had never happened, even when she'd failed at apparating before. Everything hurt, but she tried to feel around to see if anything was broken. She had some blood on her lip and it felt swollen. Her arm hurt, and when she looked there were teeth marks on her forearm. She figured she had raised her arm before she hit the ground, and her arm had taken the brunt of the fall instead of her face. Severus wasn't going to be happy, she knew it. She had to find a way in, but she found the gates had a protective spell. Maybe that's what had barred her entry when she apparated. She sat and tried to think it through. Maybe she could sneak in past when students and staff started arriving, but she didn't know if that would be today or tomorrow even. She felt a painful twinge of nervousness in her belly when Severus suddenly flew to land in front of her. It felt like when she was a student and she had broken the rules and was summoned before a teacher. She hurried and stood, wincing at how sore she was. She saw the expression on his face, which was not forgiving, and she didn't say a word. He really didn't even look happy to have found her at all, although she thought for a second she felt a wave of relief coming from him, but it had been instantly replaced by anger and annoyance. The twinge in her stomach reasserted itself when he took two long strides towards her and grabbed her arm, apparating with her back into his chambers.

Severus Snape Phoenix FreedWhere stories live. Discover now