Chapter 24 - Chase

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Severus was surprised he actually slept through the night. The thorough back rub and their lovemaking had worked their magic. She was still sleeping peacefully. He rose from bed quietly and dressed. It was a week until the winter holiday, and he needed to speak with the Carrows about allowing the students to go home for Christmas. He had heard reports that they wanted to keep all students on lockdown during the break. He would not allow them dominion over Hogwarts. Unless Voldemort gave the command directly to him, he would not deny the students the chance to return home.

Phoenix moved her hand across the cool sheets, disappointed to find Severus had already left. She hurriedly dressed. She was supposed to meet Professor Slughorn this morning about his party plans. He had came to her to ask her for her assistance. Things would be different this year, and he hoped to have a party during the break for all of the students who couldn't return home instead of having his traditional Slug Club Christmas Party. He thought it might provide a distraction for them, and possibly even keep the Carrows out of their hair. She knew what the Professor hadn't revealed... that the Slug Club had been diminished by the absence of two of its key members, Potter and Granger, leaving it almost barren of worthwhile prospects. She respected the Professor, though, for staying during a trying year, and she knew his loyalty to Dumbledore had a lot to do with that. She was trying to be optimistic that she could even talk Severus into attending the party.  They hadn't danced since their date, and she had high hopes that they could have at least one night of carefree fun. She had even acquired a lovely gown, gifted to her by Professor Slughorn himself. He said he always kept spare dress clothes for students who might not have appropriate attire for his parties. She walked briskly to meet him. She wasn't late, but she wanted to grab breakfast on the way. Slughorn was always quick to offer drinks, even in the daytime, and she didn't want to imbibe on an empty stomach. On her way, she heard heated voices, as if an argument was starting to brew. She stepped closer and recognized Severus's voice. She ducked behind the door to listen. "You do not control this school, or it's students!" she heard Severus say. "We may not hold your title, but we have been given the authority to use our own discretion by the Dark lord," she heard Amycus reply arrogantly. "The final word is mine. Unless the Dark lord tells me directly that he disagrees with my word, then you will follow it," Severus said in a dangerous voice. She heard footsteps and quickly moved further into the shadows. Severus passed her without noticing her. She listened as the Carrows bickered amongst themselves. She heard her name, and tried to listen more closely. They said something about the Christmas party. Suddenly they were quiet, and her heart skipped. She took off running quickly and ducked around a corner before they could see her. She would have to brave Slughorn without breakfast.

When Severus returned home he was in a particularly foul mood. Maybe tonight wouldn't be the best time to ask him to accompany her to the party. She still had all week to ask though. Her stomach still hurt anyway from the liquor Professor Slughorn had provided during their morning meeting. She was glad it was the weekend, because she couldn't imagine facing any students today. She had grabbed some bread at dinner and left to bring it back with her, hoping it would help. She hadn't seen Severus, as he rarely ate with the rest of them. She noticed his face had started to look more drawn, and she was worried about him. "Would you like some bread and wine, Severus? I wasn't feeling up to dinner," she offered. "Thank you, no," he said as he passed her to go directly into his bedchamber. She was not sensitive by nature, but his brusqueness hurt her more than she wanted to admit. She didn't feel like eating anymore, and she drained her glass of wine instead, then poured herself another. Her stomach complained loudly, but she refused to listen and downed the second glass as quickly as the first. To hell with it, she thought, maybe tonight would be the best night to ask him about the Christmas party. He wasn't the only one having a tough time, and she didn't plan on walking on eggshells, not tonight. She barged into the bedchamber, finding Severus just standing there, in the middle of the room. "Can I help you?" he asked emotionlessly. His coldness sparked a fire in her already burning stomach. "I don't know, can you?! Do you actually have the capacity to consider someone else besides yourself for one moment?" she spat out. She had held in her frustration long enough, she thought, and maybe it was her turn to be in a foul mood. He walked slowly towards her, his hands pulling at his cuffs. "As if I've had one moment of solitude to even think for myself. Have you ever even been in your own chambers? Perhaps a moment respite from you would do us both good," he said in a low, cold voice. He was lucky she wasn't holding anything or else she would have thrown it at him. "Fine! If it's solitude you are craving, I will be more than happy to oblige!" she said with a fire that rivaled his ice. She turned on her heel and left, not planning to hide out in her own chambers as he suggested. She didn't know where she was going yet, but it was away from him.

Severus picked up the nearest thing to him and threw it against the wall. The chair splintered into pieces, but the action didn't make him feel better. He ran out of the room and strode to the door. No, he thought, he would not chase her. It would only end badly if they were to confront each other now. She was angry, he could see that without any of her magical ability, and he was angry too. He ran his hand through his hair and paced around the room. He tried to remember what he was angry about, and why he had been so cold to her in the first place. He suddenly felt immensely guilty. He had treated her unfairly... had been treating her unfairly for some time now. She had offered him her unwavering support as he had bottled everything up inside, unwilling to share with her. Last night had been wonderful, but even when he looked back at that, she had given him what he wanted, and demanded nothing in return.  He couldn't remember even kissing her. Guilt... it was perhaps his most dreaded emotions. Maybe he was truly being selfish, as even now he was thinking only of his own emotions, not hers. She loved him, and he had treated her love with something other than what it meant to him.... everything. He knew he couldn't sleep tonight regardless, so he ran from his chambers, deciding after all to chase the only person who had ever truly loved him.

Severus Snape Phoenix FreedWhere stories live. Discover now