Larry x Godot

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Godot loved his coffee.

An ex-attorney turned famous prosecutor, Godot was known for his coffee addiction (finishing no more than 17 cups of the dark concoction in a trial), and his knowledge in coffee could only be rivalled to his proficiency in the practise of law. A stoic and mellow man, one could say his personality is a result of his obsession over the bitter drink but perhaps there was more to this man than his mug and the darkness held inside. Well, that's how he perceived himself to be ever since the incident.

Losing the love of your life to the hands of a murderer without your knowing is never easy to overcome. Losing anyone in general is never an easy thing to overcome which is how 'Godot' came to be. His past self, DIego Armando, was no more after finding out about his partner's death and thus he took on the guise of Godot. In vengeance? Redemption? His reasons and motives were unclear except to him as were the possibilities of him finding a new lover. To Godot, finding someone new was out of the question. Not because he thought it'd be disrespectful or because it felt like he was betraying his former love, but because he didn't think he'd find another woman like Mia who had filled that part of his life so much. 

And he was right.

"Excuse me, sir," the polite call of a waitress stole his attention briefly as he watched her place a mug of coffee in front of him. "Here is your order."

"Thank you." An equally polite but also curt response was all he could muster as he gripped the handle of the mug and sipped at it. 

The waitress nodded and gave a small smile before leaving although in his current state of mind, Godot wouldn't have noticed if she had stayed. No, his mind was elsewhere as the hum of city life buzzed around the cafe. Usually, this cafe wouldn't be as busy as it was that day but today was special. The cafe was decorated for the occasion; pink and red paper hearts on string hung on the walls, each table had a small, thin vase in the centre and held a singular rose, and the menus were reprinted to also have small hearts listed to almost every item they served. As if the decorations alone weren't enough to hint at what day it was, people were coming and out of the shop in couples. Two-by-two—sometimes more, maybe less—they came in with smiles ranging from big and happy to small and embarrassed of which Godot belonged to neither. 

A thin, plastered line was all he gave to the general public as he continued sipping from his mug, counting down the minutes of the day from his watch. He was patient. Possibly overly patient but he had to be. After all, anyone who knew the person he was to meet at this busy cafe would know that you can only be patient with them although the question does arise...why them?


Looking up from his dark drink, Godot's lips tilted upwards into a small smile as a fairly tall, light-brown haired man walked in through the door, his eyes wide and inquisitive which, to be completely honest with himself and everyone there, was too much of a compliment on his part. The lost, pink jacketed man surveyed the whole cafe before resting his gaze on Godot—something the latter thought to be a little amusing to watch—and walked over with a bright, cheesy smile and hands behind his back. "Hi, Godot! How have you been?"

"Hello, Larry. I've been keeping well, thank you. How are you?" The small smile he had before was quickly becoming difficult to suppress from forming into a bigger smile as he listened to Larry ramble on about his day, the odd blush appearing here and there. Again, he wondered how he ever found this man when he realised that they had been staring at each other in silence longer than he hoped either would have preferred. "Ahem, was there anything that you wanted to order? I'm sorry I ordered without you—"

"—That's okay!" Larry interrupted, successfully catching the older man off-guard. "I, uh, kinda already have something else in mind for us to do, if you don't mind walking."

"I don't mind," Godot said as he got up from his seat. Downing the remainder of his drink, he gave Larry a blush-inducing smile while slinging his jacket over his shoulder and indicated to the door with his head. "Shall we go, tiger?"

"—! Oh, um, yes! L-let's go..."

The hearty laugh Godot gave couldn't be held back as Larry turned a cute shade of pink, a hand coming to the back of his neck in embarrassment. He had intended to follow him close behind but was stopped by the large bouquet of orange roses Larry pulled out and shoved in his chest. "Larry? You got me these?"

"I-I know you can't see red, so I did a bit of researching and well, um... Happy Valentine's Day, Godot!"

If it weren't for his visor, perhaps Larry would've been able to see the warmth in his eyes, the way he looked adoringly at him instead of seeing the cold, harsh red light. Taking the bouquet in hand, Godot handled them with utmost care as if they would wilt in his hands and took note of their fragrant scent and the hopeful look in his lover's eyes. "Thank you, Larry. That is very thoughtful and sweet of you."

There came that sheepish smile of Larry's, his jacket sleeves coming down to cover his hands as he attempts to hide himself behind them. "You''re welcome, Godot."

"One thing before we go." Peeking from behind his hands, Larry watched Godot reach into his jacket before gasping in surprise as he procured a vibrant red rose and holding it before him. "Happy Valentine's Day, Larry. I hope you don't mind that there's only one. It was the only one I could find among the many that I thought was perfect for you."

"Perfect for me?" His eyes were seemingly enchanted by the rose and the words the older man spoke as he reached for it and felt its petals; soft, delicate and beautiful. 

While he marvelled at the flower, Godot pulled out from his jacket a small plush bear with the words 'I ❤ YOU' on its tummy and handed that to Larry too. "Yes, perfect for you."

Happy tears formed in the corner of Larry's eyes, quickly becoming too hard to hold back as he let them freely fall down his face, his eyes shining and sparkling. Diving forward, he wrapped his arms around Godot and cried between sobs, "Thank you, Godot! I love you!"

Godot stood in complete shock. For as long as he had been going out with Larry, he was still not used to his overly open affection especially in a public setting. But for the sake of his lover and his endless tears, he reciprocated the manner and hugged him tight, moving away only to lift Larry's chin up and say, "I love you too."

And in a moment that had the whole shop stop moving and to 'aww' in unison, Godot connected their lips in a soft and loving kiss.

Godot may love his coffee, but now he has another love. A love unrivalled to any other before.

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone ❤

Thank you @ShippingSpreeNOW2 for the request! I had fun writing this little piece and I hope you enjoyed it for what it is. Thank you again!

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