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And well...I'm back XDDDD

RIGHT! FIRST THINGS FIRST! I would like to apologise to anyone who had made a request previously but never saw it be published. I, sadly, took on more than I could chew TwT and got burnt out as a result.

So I'm afraid those requests will never be written. I'm sorry, but for the sake of my sanity and mental health I'm making this decision. However, feel free to make the request again! I'm coming in with a fresh new mind and will better handle things from now on! I'll take smaller bites this time XD and not overwork myself!

I would like to thank the people who continue to read this book and those who leave comments too! You're part of the reason why I want to come back and I'm looking forward to writing more of these unpopular/unwanted ships more! So thank you very much! ^^

Now, I'd also like to say currently for me it's 1:30am. I say this because maybe a part of my happiness and wanting to come back is due to my lack of sleep and staying up late, BUT I STILL WANT TO DO THIS! I'll make it a conscious effort to not burn myself out/take on more than I actually can (which I understand may not always be possible, but I'll try!), so yep! This is how I feel right now and this is what I want to do.

Um, I don't know what else to say here. I'm thinking that I should make a chapter solely for requests rather than relying on comments in different chapters. Expect that shortly after this chapter gets uploaded! I'm too excited right now fbdsjakgbsakjgbsgkjab

OKAY! I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO SAY! I think. But thank you again to everyone reading and commenting and voting despite this having been on hiatus for so long! And sorry to those who found out this was discontinued. But now I'm bringing it back and I hope to see more unpopular/unwanted ships in the future and be able to bring them to you as well!

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day/night/evening! ^^

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