Klavier x Athena

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"Athena, could you get me a...ah...ACHOO!"


"Klavier, how many times are you going to sneeze this morning?"

"I wouldn't be sneezing if it weren't for you....you...ACHOO!"


Klavier reached for another tissue, throwing his used one into the bin beside him. "Fräulein, are you counting my sneezes? Ah...ACHOO!"


"Athena," he shakes his head and smiles. "Why're you like this?"

"It is my fault that you're as sick as you are. And when I was sick, you were counting how many times I sneezed!"



"I was counting the amount of times you were coughing not the amount of times you were...er...ACHOO!"


"Please stop, Fräulein..."

"No way! Not after what I had to put through with you when I was...was...ACHOO!"

I covered my nose. Klavier stared at me then smiled. "One."

"Shut up—ACHOO!"


Grabbing a tissue and blowing into it, I hoped that that was the end to my sneezes. It wasn't.


"My my, Fräulein, that was quite a feat! How many was that? Four? Maybe five, ja? In total that would make seven, I think."

"Oh, don't you start!"

"It's a bit late for that I'm afrai...ai—ACHOO!"

"Twenty-one, haha! Hey, why don't we play a game where whoever sneezes the most loses?"

"I see no harm in that." Klavier hands me another tissue while taking one for himself. "How about we make a bet too? Say, oh I don't know, the one who loses has to make the other's meals for the rest of the time they're sick?"

"Really? That's the bet you're going with? You do realise that you're the one who is the most sick. My cold finished days ago!"

"Hmhm, *COUGH COUGH* ahem. I'm confident that I'll win...ACHOO!"

"Twenty-two," I giggled. "Sorry, Klavier, but I think I'll be the one to...to...ACHOO!"





Klavier fanned out his fingers. "Ten, eleven, twelve... Is that it, Fräulein? Not going to do anymore?"

"This is ridiculous! I shouldn't be sneezing this much. Didn't my cold end already?"

He simply shrugged at my question, grabbing yet another tissue from the box. The bin was slowly filling up with our used tissues and I contemplated how many tissues would it take to fill the whole thing. Time ticked away and I sighed in exasperation.

"I'm so BORED, Klavier! Can't we do something to pass the time?"

"We're already playing a game as we speak, Fräulein."

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