Larry x Gumshoe

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Author's Note: I don't know when, I don't know how, but I have become obsessed with Larry calling Gumshoe 'babe'. It doesn't happen a lot in this oneshot but my goodness I will never stop thinking about it.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! And thank you for your patience (long overdue this was haha yoda moment SORRY IT'S LIKE NEARING 4AM RIGHT NOW)


Every night was the same and he winces every time he opens the door to their apartment. What if they were at it again on the couch? In the kitchen? Or in their bed? Gumshoe shook away the thoughts. His husband would never cheat on him. Never.

But some days, it certainly felt like he would.

"How long are you going to keep hugging that bear, Larry?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" From the dopey and confused look on his face to the way he hugged and snuggled the bear even tighter, Gumshoe couldn't figure out if he was genuinely clueless or pretending. "I've only been hugging it for a few min—"

"Hours," Gumshoe interjected. He glared at the stuffed toy who only stared cutely and innocently back. But he knew it was not innocent. He knew the devious plans the soft, squishy, vanilla-scented terror was contriving. "You've been hugging that thing since this morning. I even came home late and you're still hugging that.. that thing!"

Larry tilted his head, an adoring act to which Gumshoe had to turn his head to avoid falling for its cute allure. "Why shouldn't I hug it? It was a gift from you, remember?"

He does remember. Seeing the smile on Larry's face was worth winning it for him at the funfair, but now he's not too sure. "I'm not asking you to stop hugging it. Just..." His voice quietens, reduced to a whisper. "I wish you would hug me more instead."

Gumshoe was a big guy. He was used to giving hugs and sometimes he'd receive some back. He's found most people like his hugs. But, especially in his line of work, hugs were difficult to come by which is why he loved – no, adored – the quality cuddle time he has with Larry. But now there was this teddy bear and it's stupid because he shouldn't feel this way, but he feels inferior to this bear that is taking all of his husband's love from him.

Why did this have to happen?

"Hey, babe~"


"Wanna know the reason why I hug this 'thing' so much?"

He did want to know, but could he handle the truth? Maybe he had it all wrong and there was some other reason Larry hugged the silly bear. Maybe his relationship wasn't at stake because of some stupidly cute bear. Maybe... What if he's right?

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked, then asked more with growing desperation. "Am I hugging you wrong? Do I hug too tight? Not tight enough? Do I not give enough hugs? I'll hug you more! I'll give you the best hugs you've ever had if you tell me how you like it!"

Larry kissed him. It was short and sweet, enough to put Gumshoe in a stupor before relaxing and kissing back. When Larry moved away, Gumshoe stared wonderingly at him.

"The reason why I hug him so much is because he smells just like you."


"And he's soft like you too."

"M-Me? Soft?"

Larry smiled again and Gumshoe felt the need to kiss him again. "Soft and full of comfort. Whenever I see you off to work I start to miss the bear hugs you give me."

"You do?"

"Which is why I adore little Gummy here!"

"G... Gummy?!?"

"That's right! Gummy the Detective Bear! My newest inspiration for my next children's book! Also the name of the sensational and infamous teddy bear you gave me!"

Gumshoe was taken aback. Things had taken a turn quite quickly and he almost had trouble keeping up. "But um... Doesn't 'infamous' mean it has a bad reputation?"

Larry paused to mull over his words. "True, this tough teddy has had a bad background dealing with rogues..."




"And aliens!"

"A-ALIENS?? But I've never dealt with aliens before?"

Larry seemed to have not heard him, too caught up in his own imaginings. Or he simply ignored him, too caught up in his own imaginings. "This bear fears no one but a salary cut from his head of department!"

"Ah... right. Does this really need to be added in the book?"

"Why not? It's a very accurate reflection of your life as a detective!" He gave a thumbs up, but Gumshoe wasn't too sure what there was to be happy about. "Hm, on second thought, it needs a catchier title. I know! I'll make it 'The Adventures of Gummy the Detective Bear!' That should do the trick!"

Suddenly, Larry stood up with Gummy in his arms. He walked away chattering to himself about what adventures Gummy would go on and for the first time in a long time, Gumshoe wasn't worried. Sure, Gummy may hold a special place in Larry's heart, but it wouldn't be anything as special as his. Content with this knowledge, he relaxed back into the couch and sighed.

"But!" Larry sang from his studio. "Before I begin..."

Gumshoe peeked with one eye in time to see Larry run, jump, and land heavily into his lap, knocking the breath out of him. He quickly scooped Larry into a fierce hug, afraid he might topple backwards onto the floor, and was met with Larry hugging just as fiercely back. When he finished nuzzling into his chest, Larry grinned and said,

"I need to do some research!"

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