Kay Faraday x Penny Nichols

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"Alright, is everyone ready?"

"We're ready when you are!"

"Penny, don't you think this is a bit much?"

"'A bit much'? What do you mean, Mr. Powers?"

"Well, you're not exactly the most confident person and this is your first time performing in a movie setting. Are you sure you can do this?"

"O-of course, I'm sure! I just know I can do it!"

I was fired up. I knew I had to do this. Today was the day that I'd propose to my one and only love, Kay Faraday.

Known as the Great Thief Yatagarasu, she goes around stealing the truth from those who use it for no good and gives to those who are in need. In every way possible, she follows her heart and disciplines herself to the moral code of the Great Thief:

"Even in the depths of night, when no other bird dares to take flight, one alone soars to shine the light of righteousness on the world's blight! And that one is me! For I am the Great Thief, Yatagarasu!"

Of course, this was all just make believe. The Great Thief only exists in the mind of children and in the mind of the creators of the show, produced by Global Studios which is where I work. It was thanks to Miles Edgeworth that the show's idea became so popular with the director and Kay who happily agreed to be our leading actress. 

It also happened to be her birthday and I planned to make today as special as any other day. Everything was set and ready for her arrival, I could hardly contain myself from all the excitement that was building up within me.

Or maybe it was nerves.

No! Don't think about that! She'll like it. I just know she will.

Shaking myself free from my thoughts, I checked everything one more time. I wanted to be absolutely sure that everything was good before she arrived and I didn't want to afford any mishaps. 

"Penny, calm down! We may not have had many rehearsals but you'll do great!"

"But what if I mess up? What if one of the props fell during the shoot? What if...what if..."

Powers sighs and holds me by my shoulders. "Listen, nothing will go wrong. You've put your heart and soul into making sure everything would go well, didn't you?" I nodded. "If you make a mistake, do you really think she'll hold it against you? I think you'll find that she is more forgiving than that."

I could feel tears threaten to ruin my makeup as Will said those words to me. Struggling to compose myself, I nodded for the last time and smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Powers. You've been a great friend throughout these years."

"Same to you, Penny."

"Ms. Nichols! They're coming!"

"They are?! Uh oh, um...places everybody! Mr. Powers, do you really think I can do this? Am I really ready for this?"

"Penny, you're going to be fine. You're going to do great!" He fixes my costume, straightening the badge of the Yatagarasu on my shirt. "Now go and be the best superhero you can be!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Okay, we're shooting in 3...2...1...Action!"

Lights out. The whole warehouse was dark which wasn't easy for me since I hadn't moved from my spot in the open. As carefully as I could, I made my way to the top of the scaffolding and hid behind the scenery.

Maybe I should've backed out.

But it was too late. Everything was quiet. The crew sat silently against the walls, waiting for Kay to enter the building. When she enters, the opening scene will start and then it'll really be too late to go back.

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