Klavier and Trucy (Edited)

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"Polly! Look at what was on our front doorstep!" I crashed into Apollo as he watered Charley.

He rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, another rose?"

"Oh, Polly, you're no fun!"

"But am I correct?"

I grinned. "Maybe. There was something else that came with it."

"Something else?" Apollo turned around, water jug in hand.

"I thrust the gift I had in my hand in front of his face. "Two roses!"

Apollo groaned. "That was the other thing?" I nodded as he walked past me. "Honestly, I thought it was going to be something grander, but I suppose not."

"But he's so sweet! He even sends me roses when I'm going to perform."

Apollo stopped. "Trucy, do you mind following me into the main room?"

Before I could say anything, he held my hand and led me to the main room. It was less cluttered now that Daddy had begun cleaning up a little with help from Apollo. "What is it, Polly?"

He led me to the centre of the room and made me stand on the spot. "I want you to look around. Slowly."

I was confused but I did as he said. Turning on the spot, I spun around slowly and looked at the room. "Hey, Polly, is it just me or has the room gotten more red?"

"Of course it has gotten more red! What do you think is the cause of it?!" He went around the room pointing at every vase, glass, bowl filled with water and...

"Roses! EVERYWHERE!" He finally made it back to me and sighed, holding his head in his hand. "Trucy, I know he wants to show his support for you, but this is getting out of hand. At the start it was all good, a few roses here and there and maybe a bunch or two. But now it's a nightmare! Just the other day when we received a client, they fainted from the overpowering aroma from these flowers!"

I stared in shock. There certainly were a lot of roses in the office, but I didn't think it had gotten this bad. I looked around again and thought of an idea. "I know how to get rid of them."

Apollo stopped his ranting. "You do? Please, I don't care what you do, just do something about."

I nodded and pulled out my magic panties. "Here's my solution!"

"You're not seriously thinking of—" He stared in amazement as he watched me go around and put all the roses into my panties. He blinked a couple of times when I met him in the centre again before turning away. "You know what? I don't even know why I question your magic capabilities."

I giggled and went to find Daddy. "Hey, Daddy! I've fixed the rose problem!" I looked down at my magical panties. "And I've figured out what I'm going to do for my next act!"

"That's great, sweety! It's the usual time tonight, right?"

I nodded and left the room. A knock sounded from our office door, a silhouette of a tall man stood behind it.

"I've got it!" Reaching the door, I pulled it open. "Welcome to the Wright Anything Agency, where you've 'always come to the Wright place!'"

The man in the doorway laughed. "Nice to see you again too, Fräulein."

"Klavier, welcome! Would you like to come inside? I'm sure Daddy and Polly will be happy to see you."

"Of course, but first," he brought his hand from behind his back, "I've got a gift for you."

I jumped with joy. "Roses!" I breathed in their aroma and sighed contently. "These are beautiful. I'll put them into my panties straight away!"

Klavier chuckled. "Your panties?"

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