Gumshoe x Miles

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"How can you be so incompetent?!"

"I'm sorry, sir! It won't happen again!"

"I'll make sure it won't, Scruffy!"



"Now get on with your work, Detective. I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day."

"Y-yes, sir..."

My salary's probably been cut down even further now. Will I even have enough to survive the month?

Failing to provide Ms. von Karma the evidence and reports she needed, I allowed worrisome thoughts to drift in and out of my head. I don't know why she insists that I get everything ready for her. She's always calling me demeaning names and whipping me for my mistakes, I really don't understand why she chose me. 

Not thinking any further into it, I went back to work. Filling out papers and writing up reports, it was the same old thing everyday. Nothing new or disparate was happening as of late and I hadn't been assigned any cases for the past few months.

Which I guess should be a good thing considering I work in homicide. Still, I wish something would happen. Something thrilling.

I failed to fight back a yawn as I jotted more notes into my notebook. Another hour had gone by and still nothing happened. My wish wasn't going to come true today apparently.

As I sat there, slowly going through paperwork, an officer knocked on my door. "Sir, Prosecutor Edgeworth wants to see you."

"Tell him I'll be right over."

Finally, something interesting.

I began to gather up things I may need to bring but the officer continued to speak. "Um, actually he's right here, sir."


A man with frills and a fierce glare walked in. The guard quickly saluted before leaving, shutting the door on me and Edgeworth who stood on the other side of my desk, arms crossed. I gestured to a seat for him and sat in my own.

"Mr. Edgeworth Sir, what brings you down to the precinct?"

"Business as always."

He answered bluntly, saying no more afterwards. I scratched the back of my head, unsure of what to say or do. "Um, what business, sir? I haven't been assigned to any cases as of late."

"That's..." He exhaled before starting again. "I wasn't meaning that sort of business."

It would've been helpful to know that beforehand, sir.

"The business I'm speaking of is to do with your salary."


"It appears that your salary has been cut down significantly the past few weeks. This is very concerning, Detective, considering that these cuts are coming from von Karma."

I hung my head low. "Y-yes, sir. I've been making quite a number of mistakes around her."

Edgeworth sighed. "Admitting to them won't help your situation unfortunately. All I can say is to be more careful and don't make the same mistakes again."

"Yes, sir."

I didn't have much to add after that. I knew I had to be careful around Ms. von Karma, but it's not like I meant to cause trouble. They just sort of happen and it just so happens she's there to see it. Still feeling downcast about the whole thing, I slumped in my chair and distracted myself by making a paper plane.

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