Godot (Diego Armando) x Phoenix

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It was a fine day. A fine day to drink coffee and read books. But these aren't just any old books. 

Well, they might be.

And this isn't any old coffee.

It was freshly made mere seconds ago. 

No, these books are all to do with the law, pertaining to accounts, records and rules of the court and the various trials held within them. This coffee I hold in my hand is a strong brew of straight black coffee, no added sugar or milk.

A question may have been raised inside your head. Why am I here? Why, on such a fine day as this, am I cooped up inside a court library drinking bitter coffee? Why were the contents of my coffee needed? Well, simple questions have simple answers, do they not?

I am defense attorney, Diego Armando. As a new attorney, I come to this court library every Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to study on law and to drink its coffee. I don't care much for the coffee here. I'd much prefer the blends I make myself or the ones from the café down the street. But I dare not leave this spot that I've secured. This spot is perfectly placed just so that anyone can pretend to be engrossed in their work but in reality they're watching others.

Now I know what you may be thinking. Who am I looking for? Am I looking for someone or am I the one being looked for? What about the contents of my coffee? Once again, simple questions with simple answers.

First of all there is a person I am looking for. As to his identity, I have yet to find out. It has long been something I've wanted to know, which is why I had dedicated my spare time to watching him.

He comes here, 4 days a week, to read through the books and records, taking notes and reading the hours away. By the looks of things, he doesn't appear to have the courage or the strength to become an attorney if those are his true intentions. Having never so much as uttered a word in passing to him, I don't know much about his character or his aspirations. The only things I can gain about his personality is through his physical attributes. It isn't much to go by, hence the reason for my coffee. I can't stand to see him without being overcome with...I'll explain how I feel later.

Let me first begin with his most notable feature: his unnaturally spiky hair. Raven black and porcupine-like, this man looked as though he found a hedgehog lying on the street, painted it black and wore it on his head. It's rude but I wouldn't be surprised if that was true.

Moving onto his face, I wonder why he's here looking through law books. Open, vacant, blank. That's his face right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he's brainless or unintelligent. I just think that he is someone who doesn't know much about the world and its hardships. He's naive, inexperienced, and looks as though he's having a hard time understanding the contents of whatever book is in his hands. I'm sure that will all change in a few year's time though.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

This coffee really isn't that good, yet I order more. This must be my 12th cup already. Waiting for that student to walk through those doors, look around in awe as if it were his first time, pick out a book, look at its cover, cautiously walk to a table, sit down, read it.... It's the same process every week.

So where is he? He should have been here 10 mugs ago.

I can't say why I have such a fixation on him. All I know is that if I were the black magic that is coffee and he were the milk and sugar, we would not mix well.

And yet, I want to meet him. I must be mad.

Thankfully, I have my 13th cup to ease my worries. Worries of being mad, mind you. Meeting this student wouldn't be a problem. That's what I hope for at least, but it didn't look like he was going to show up. This boy was testing my patience to which I had no trouble in downing that unlucky cup, struggling to even appreciate its lack of taste and scalding burns.

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