Franziska x Simon

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"Okay, you're free to go."

"Thank you, officer."

"No worries, ma'am. Just doing my job."

Simon walks through the gates of his cell, unsteady on his feet. The guard went in to help, holding him close by the waist. Simon flinched and limped hastily out of his cell towards Franziska, the guard still clutching onto him.

"What's happened here? Why is he limping?"

"I don't know, ma'am. He hasn't had any problems before."

The way he sneered at Simon said otherwise but Franziska took no notice of it, opting to help Simon walk the rest of the way out of the prison.

"Here, I'll help escort you the rest of the—"


Everyone stood still, the room silent. Simon, shocked by his own outburst, shook the guard off of him and joined Franziska's side, keeping as close as possible to her. "I, I'm sorry about that. I'll be fine with Miss von Karma, thank you."

The guard stayed where he was and cocked a smile. "Of course, Simon. We hope to see you again soon."

Simon scowled at the man's words and pulled Franziska towards the entrance of the prison. Franziska glared at the guard before coming to Simon's aid, the guard chuckling as he watched them leave.

Outside within the prison's courtyard, all was quiet between them. Neither had anything to say to the other until they had passed another set of guards stationed near the entrance of the prison.

"Why, Simon! Leaving us so soon? Not going to give us a farewell hug or kiss?"

"Yeah, where's our 'thanks for looking after me' present?"

Both men laughed. Franziska watched them, suspicious of their behaviour while Simon turned his head and ignored them. One of the guards stepped in front of them and lifted Simon's head up. Marks littered his neck—scratches and bruises alike—and trailed down beneath his clothes.

The guard snickered as Simon was lax in his hold. "I think this is more than enough of a farewell from us, don't you think?"

"Get your hands off him!" Without losing her grasp on Simon, Franziska pushed the guard away and moved to protect him. "Don't come any closer to him, have you got that?!"

"Ooh, feisty one aren't you? Hehe, reminds me of the Simon's first year here with us. You remember that, right?" He said, turning to the other guard.

"Aye, that I do. That was a year of pure bliss, I must admit. One I shall never forget."

"Simon, what are they talking about? Simon? Simon!"

He didn't move. His skin had gone as white as a ghost, his eyes wide open as they continued talking.

"Simon! Tch, you fools!" Unable to reach for her whip, she hurriedly led Simon away and out of the prison where a car waited for them. "We'll be heading for your house, Simon. Is there anywhere that you want to stop off beforehand?"

A shake of his head was all that was needed to get on their way. The car ride was silent with Franziska sitting on one side while Simon sat on the other. The driver watched them in his rearview mirror, visibly sweating at how intimidatingly quiet they were before breathing a sigh of relief once reaching the house. "Will there be anything else you need done, Miss von Karma?"

"No," she replied curtly. "You may return to your duties."

"Yes, ma'am."

Reaching to help Simon, they stumbled to their feet and exited the vehicle. As the car drove away, they made slow steps to Simon's house and moved to the couch. Being the nearest thing they could get to, Simon sat on the couch and laid himself gently, groaning slightly as he went. "Finally, something soft beneath me..."

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