Gumshoe x Phoenix

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"Hey, watch where you're going!"

"Sorry, sir!"

"'Sorry' isn't enou-"

I didn't hear the rest of their sentence as I continued running. I was in a hurry to get to somewhere. To get to someone.

It's 4:48 right now which means I have exactly 12 minutes to get there.

For context purposes, here is what's happened. During the past couple of months, I had been sitting at home. Day after day, night after night, agitation and worry were slowly building up inside of me to the point that I felt like I was ready to explode. Until the mail arrived. 

As soon as the mailman came round to drop something in our mailbox, I leapt out of my chair and dashed through the front door, bouncing like a strained spring. Admittedly, that was not one of my proudest moments as I crashed into the mailman who, upon realising that there was a package for us too, had come to our front door to deliver it.

"Oof! Sorry, pal!"

"Mmph! Gmph mmph vmph mm!"


I hastily got off of him and dusted him down. He swatted me away. "Just what did you think you were doing?! Running out of the house like that and crashing into me!"

"I-I'm sorry, pal. I was just excite-"

"I don't care why! That's no reason to go on crashing into people!" He gave me a look up and down. "And you're not exactly the lightest fellow to have been crushed by."

"I, I know, sir. Sorry."

"Hah, youth these days..." The mailman checked the parcel, flipping it over this way and that before handing it over to me. "This is addressed to Phoenix Wright. That wouldn't happen to be you, would it?"

"Me, sir? No, my name is Gumshoe. Uh, Dick Gumshoe that is."

"Huh. Well, Dick, could you please pass this onto Mr. Wright?"

"Y-yes, sir!"

"Hmph. Good day to you then."

"Err, yes. Good day to you."

I saw the mailman off then went into our mailbox. There weren't too many inside. Just a bill, a few more bills, and finally the letter. The letter I had been waiting all this time for...

Okay, I have 9 more minutes until he's finished...What the?!

Cutting back to now, I regret to inform that ahead of me was a massive road blockage, preventing entry for both vehicles and pedestrians. I had no choice but to take the long way around. Checking my watch again, I screamed in panic and set off for the university.

Even with the detour, I should arrive with at least 5 minutes to spare.

It was important that I got there before he finished class. Not only had I brought the letter with me, but I also had dinner reservations for two prepared for us. This meant we had to leave promptly after he finished.

But not before I tell him the good news!

The streets flew by, the cars flew by, the birds ran by....wait.


"Oi! Keep your voice down! Can't you see we're trying to shoot a film here?!"

"Sorry, pal, but I need to get throu-"

"I'm sorry, pal, but no one is allowed beyond this point whilst we're filming. Go some other way!"


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