Maya Fey x Aura Blackquill

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"Nick, Nick, Nick..... Seriously, where are you?!"

How many times have I walked around this courthouse anyway? 6? 7 times?! Argh, I just want to find Nick before the trial starts!

I took a deep breath. It had been a year since I last saw my friend. During that time I had been honing my skills as a Spirit Medium, training in my village to succeed as the Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique and as Head of the Fey clan. It was 

However, it was during this time that my friend, Phoenix Wright, had fallen into a dark pit. Well, not literally but it was more or less true. Shortly after I had embarked on my journey in getting stronger, Phoenix was acting as defense attorney in a trial that cost him his badge. Since then, I hadn't been in contact with him, often finding myself too busy in the village to visit or write to him. I regret that now.

"Nick, where could you be?! How hard is it to find one spiky-haired dude anyway, oof!"

I crashed into another person, too distracted in my search for Phoenix. Rubbing my head, I looked to see who I accidentally bumped into.

"Sorry, mister, I didn't see you there."

"That's quite alright, ma'am. It's partly my fault for not seeing you too."

"Ahaha, no, really it's my fault." 

I smiled apologetically at the blond man in front of me. He was quite tall and wore glasses, wearing a fine blue suit with a pink ribbon tied around his collar. To top it all off, his smile was warm and welcoming, and I was glad to have bumped into such a man. I don't know how I'd deal with anyone else if they weren't anything like this man.

"I'm really sorry, sir, but I was trying to look for a friend but they don't seem to be here. I'm starting to think they didn't want to see me, haha."

"Is that so?" He looked at me with the same warm smile still plastered on his face. "It just so happens that I'm looking for a friend too. Perhaps we can help one another and search together, if that's alright with you."

"Yes, please! Really, my friend shouldn't be that hard to find but it has been a while since I last saw him. He's got black, spiky hair, about your height or shorter, and wears a blue suit. Um, it's almost similar to yours but it's really blue. A lot more blue than yours."

"Really? Well then, he shouldn't be that hard to miss. Coincidentally, my friend has similar features to yours; black, spiky hair and around my height. But he doesn't wear a blue suit. Instead, he wears a grey jumper, tracksuit pants, sandals, and a beanie. Not my preferred style for a man but he's out of a job right now so it's to be expected."

"Mm, okay." 

I didn't know how else to respond so we continued walking in silence, trying to find the other's friend. It had caught my eye but I didn't bring up the fact that he wore an attorney's badge. It looked just like the one Phoenix would wear on his suit.

Of course, it'd be the same! All defense attorney badges are the same!

But it got me thinking that perhaps he was a friend of Phoenix. I didn't have the chance to ask before he pointed to a dreary man amidst the crowd. Looking at him, I couldn't help but wonder why it was so difficult for this man to find him.

"Kristoph! I've been looking all over for you."

Huh? No, it can't be. That isn't Nick, is it?

The dishevelled man exchanged pleasantries with the man, Kristoph, beside me then turned to me. Staring eye to eye, I felt as though I was more shocked than he was about meeting each other and seeing the change in both of us. As my eyes widened with surprise at his appearance, his only lazily glazed back at me like he had done with Kristoph.

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