Jake Marshall x Phoenix

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A gentle breeze blew south; crisp, green leaves were gently carried along its current. The sun was in full view but had begun it's slow descent towards the horizon. A mixture of oranges and yellows, its shine was disappearing below the green and brown earth. 

Such warm colours don't belong in this place. 

Cold, barren bodies lay deep beneath my feet and the stones erected in memory of them. I read each of them in passing; their words filled my heart with sorrow but none more so than the one I stand before right now.

AGE 27
1988 - 2015


Today marked just over 1 year since the death of the last victim of the SL-9 Incident; 1 year since the death of my closest friend.

1 year since the death of my brother. 

I tipped my hat in respect, covering my face with the brim.

I'm sorry, Neil, but I still haven't gotten over it. I don't think I ever will. 

Kneeling down before the grave, I rested my hand over heart and bowed my head in silent prayer. 

Even though that criminal got what he deserves, I can't help but think that there's more than meets the eye. I know I should let things go and move on, but you and I both know you won't be at peace 'til this is all over...

"...and I plan to make that happen."

"Make what happen?"

I stayed where I was, not bothered by the sudden arrival of the person who kneeled down beside me. "Nothin', pardner. Just a little somethin' I'm hopin' to accomplish. For my brother's sake."

The man nodded. He was rugged up in a scarf and coat as the chilly air of early spring nipped at our skin. "Do you mind if I pay my respects to him?"

"Please, go ahead."

He smiled then bowed his head, eyes closed, and hands held together. I watched on in awe at the man whom I've shared so little of my life with, yet I held such deep respect and honour for him. Only having met him less than 2 years ago, my connection with the law student was arguably made under strange circumstances.

Not that I'm complaining 'bout it.

2 Years Ago
June 12 10:23 PM
Criminal Affairs Department

"Finished for the day, Marshall?"

"'fraid so, baby."

"Marshall, do you ever get tired of your little dress up and pretend play?"

"I should be sayin' the same to you, Starr."


"Right, I'm off." I take up my hat and reposition it on my head, taking the time to shave parts of my beard. "I'll see you at sun up tomorrow, baby."

"Oh no you don't, mister." Angel strode towards me and held out a lunchbox. "Not before you take your dinner with you."

"Thank you," I said as I took the lunchbox, "but I can take care of myself. I'm capable of finding food for me to eat."

"Do you not appreciate my cooking?"

"I never said that."

"Good." She brushed the hair out of her left eye. "It's not good to live only on spaghetti, you know."

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