Ema x Apollo

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My ears. Why did I even come to this concert? I knew the consequences and yet, here I am. I can barely hear the music above the sound of the crowd. Trucy, where are you?

I searched above the crowds, looking for the head of my boss' daughter but to no avail. I was so dead if I didn't find her, but the music from the speakers tied in with the cheering of the audience had my head spinning.

This is deafening! I've got to get out of here.

Moving through the dense crowd, I struggled to move even 5 paces forward. It was like fighting against the current being tossed and turned with each step.

Geez, I know this is the last concert the Gavinners will be performing, but aren't the fans going a bit too crazy for them?!

Someone's arm knocks me off balance and I fall onto the ground, narrowly missing people's stomping feet. Luckily, I hadn't knocked anyone down with me but it was difficult getting back up again. I get back on my feet and push past more people, finally reaching the outskirts of the auditorium.

This is only marginally better but it helps a little.

*munch munch munch munch*

Hang on. That munching...it sounds familiar.

*munch munch munch munch*
*munch munch munch munch*

I follow the sounds to a darker area of the auditorium, the source of the noise hidden in the shadows. The noise had become more distinct and more prominent, it's crunch was the equivalent to the blaring music's volume.


Yep. There's no mistake about it. It has to be her.


And unsurprisingly, she's going through those snacks like they're nothing. But....I see no end to that bag.

Taking a step forward, I called out to her. "Ema!"


She Snackoo'd me.

"...Ema, it's me. Apollo."

"Hm? Apollo? What are you doing here? And why were you sneaking up on me?!"

"I should be asking the same thing."


She Snackoo'd me. Again.

"Answer my questions!"

"Okay, okay! I'm here because Trucy and I were invited by Klavier. He gave us tickets that were 15% off."

Which is 5% lower than the last concert we went to. Honestly, you'd think he'd give them to us for free or at least for a better offer.

Ema continued snacking on her Snackoo's. "What happened to Trucy?"

"Unfortunately, I lost her in the crowd. I've been searching for her the whole time but can't seem to find her among this mob."

"Mhm, that explains the first question. But you haven't told me why you were sneaking up on me."

"I wasn't trying to sneak up on you though!"


How many times does she need to Snackoo me?

"I'll believe you just this once but no more afterwards, got it?"

I roll my eyes, thankful that we were in the dark. "Okay, I promise."

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