Female!Simon x Apollo

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Life is full of both misery and joy. I, Apollo Justice, have had my fair share of both. I've met many great and wonderful people in my life and likewise I've lost many of the most important people to have influenced me. All of these people were, to me, more than just friends or simple acquaintances. They helped shape who I am, have helped me move forward in life and helped me reach my full potential. Every single one of them has had some impact on my being as a person which is why I regard them as something more than just friends; something that I will forever hold deep in my heart.

They are my family.

I suppose that's why I never intended to marry anyone. I had all that I need from those around me and therefore didn't think or consider ever having a family of my own. But then again, I did want that feeling of being in a relationship. A relationship with someone who shared the same feelings as me and be able to bond with that someone on a more personal scale than I would with any other family member.

Which is where Simone Blackquill comes in.

Simone is a beautiful and, dare I say it, perfect woman. Stunning, fearless, confident, her skills as a prosecutor are unparalleled to anyone I've ever known. With her brilliant mind and ability to intimidate her opponents, is it any wonder why I love her? Is it any wonder why we, as friends, decided to live, have fun and share moments together that only close couples can have; moments that require precautions to be met.

"Hey, dream boy! How long are you going to stand there?"

"Wha—!" I jumped and dropped the files I had been holding onto, loose paper falling and littering the floor. "Mr. Wright, you scared me!"

"I wouldn't have scared you if you hadn't been daydreaming," he wryly said and got down onto his knees. "Here, I'll help you."

"It's alright, sir, I've got this!" I hurried to pick up all the paper, taking care not to crumple them as I went. "Sorry, sir, I promise it won't happen again!"

"That's alright, Apollo, it was partly my fault too." He handed me the remaining sheets that he had collected and leaned against the wall. "Are you okay? You're not one to dream on the job."

"I know and I'm sorry, sir. I was just thinking about some things."

"I see. What were you thinking about?"

"Uh, just life things, you know. Nothing all too important."

Phoenix hummed. "Have you been feeling stressed lately? I understand that Prosecutor Blackquill hasn't been taking any cases recently. Is Simone okay?"

"Simone? Oh, she's alright. She's just been resting at home a lot. She's been feeling a bit unwell and has taken time off from work."

"Hasn't caused you any trouble, has she?"

"No, she's...she's just fine. A little moody but that's normal."

I continued with my work, aware that Phoenix was silently watching me from the wall. It wasn't until I had finished sorting through the files that he spoke again. "Apollo, I  was wondering whether you'd want to go home early today."

"Go home early? Sorry, sir, I don't know what you mean."

Phoenix walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder, a compassionate smile on his face. "I think it's best if you went home. I know Simone isn't the easiest person to deal with and she must be a handful right now—"

"That's not true! She's very easy to handle and she doesn't cause problems for me!"

"Apollo," his grip on my shoulder tightened, "you need to take a break. I don't know if you noticed but you've become very bad tempered."

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