Phoenix x Professor Layton

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Author Note: This is where I would suggest reading on AO3 for a "better" reading experience, but really all that's different is coloured text. Nothing too special :)
Anyway, hope you all enjoy this chapter! Wrote it on a whim, apologies if some things don't make sense but then again it is Laywright lol ENJOY!!!


My thumb hovered over the call button. My phone's light was so bright compared to my dark office, even with the blinds open. It was getting late and the office was empty, but I hadn't gone home yet. There was a phone call I had to make that I've been struggling to do all day, and with every passing minute anxiety gnawed at my conscience.

(What if he's busy? Maybe now isn't a good time to call? But I've been putting it off all week, I need to make this call. I have to. What do I even say...?)

I groaned into my desk, ignoring the dull pain and ringing in my head.

(Why is it so hard to make one simple phone call? No, why is it so hard to talk with this man? Not even Edgeworth's glares could make me feel this anxious. So why only him...)

I sighed and let the ringing ebb in and out of my brain. *Rriing, rriing* *Rriing, rriing* *Click*

A click? The door remained shut and the handle hadn't turned. The windows, too, stayed shut and there was nothing outside that could've made a clicking noise. And it wasn't quite like a camera shutter either.

(Although... I don't think anyone would want a picture of me. Not that I look bad or anything! But a news reporter or someone who has it out for me might want my picture.)

(.... Just the thought of someone taking my picture without permission and without me knowing gives me goosebumps.)



"Mr. Wright, are you there? You've been awfully quiet for a while now. I hope everything is alright."

(Was... Is that him?! But how?! Where was he?!)

The room was empty and his voice was distant, yet I could hear him clearly.

(Am I imagining things now? Have I finally gone insane? Maybe I should have taken that vacation offer Maya and Pearls were asking about.)

A trip to the seaside didn't sound too bad when they first brought it up and they were pretty keen on taking me with them too. But a case came up I couldn't refuse, so I had to turn them down.

(Thankfully and surprisingly, Franziska was more than happy to take my place. From what I remember they also invited Ema and another girl named Kay to go with them. I guess it isn't so bad that I turned down their offer.)

"Perhaps this isn't the right time to call. I'm sorry if I accidentally intervened in an important matter, Phoenix. Do give me another call when you can and I'll be sure to pick up as soon as possible—"

"W-WAIT!!!" I held my phone in a death-like grip and watched the timer count up. 1 minute and 33 seconds. I must have hit 'call' when I banged my head on the desk. "Damn it..."

"Phoenix, are you okay? You have become quiet again."

"U-uh, yes! I'm okay! Sorry, I was just—" (Thinking about how stupid I am. But I can't say that.) "Nevermind. Thank you for taking my call."

"That's all right, Phoenix, I'm always happy to answer your calls. And I must say, it is a joy to hear from you again!"

"Y-yeah, same here! Haha..."

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