Gumshoe x Franziska von Karma

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Prosecutor's Office
Prosecutor von Karma's Office

"Sir! I got you the files you wante—YEOWCH!"

"Fool! Why have you kept me waiting!"


"YEOWCH! I'm sorry, sir! I'll be more punctual next time!"

The detective recoiled from my whip then dashed away as fast as he could. I grew even more irritated, clenching my hand and grinding my teeth.

That fool of a detective! He left without giving me those files! The next time I get my hands on him it'll be more than just a few lashes!

Furious, I stalked out of my office and in the direction of where I knew the detective would be. People I walked by quickly darted out of the way and averted their eyes. No one wanted to match my glowering stare which I was quite content with. I only had one thought in mind and one place to go.

Miles Edgeworth.

Prosecutor's Office
Room 1202

Without so much as knocking, I barged into the room, cracking the air with my whip.

"Scruffy! Give me those files immediately!"

"AAAAGGHHH! Mr. Edgeworth Sir, please save me!"

He cowers behind Miles, as if his body could possibly protect him. I whipped where his body wasn't protected by Miles, not caring if I accidentally hit him in the process as both are to blame for this escapade.

"Franziska! Enough with this nonsen—!"


"Quiet, Miles! This is between me and that scruffy detective only! Now get out of the way before I whip you into place!"

Miles quickly moved to the left, exposing what little was hidden of the detective's body. I took advantage of his shocked betrayal and caught his arm with my whip. Pulling him forward, I stepped aside and released the bind on him, watching him fall to the ground. I turned him over with my foot and reached into his many pockets before finally finding the files he was meant to give me earlier.

"Thank you, Scruffy. I'll see to it that your salary is cut down further this time."

Satisfied with my work, clear red lines forming on the detective's face, I began to take my leave.

"Franziska, stop!"

I growled. "What is it that you want, Little Brother? Can't you see that I'm busy?!" I was tempted to whip him but held back my anger. I had already wasted some of my energy on that fool, I didn't need to use anymore. "What do you want?"

"Franziska, was it really necessary of you to go that far just to get those files? It's hardly fair on Detective Gumshoe's health."

Gumshoe groaned, lying still on floor where I left him. I paid no more than a glance in his direction and scoffed. "Well, it's his fault for running off with these files. I am in desperate need of them and off he goes, running into your careless open arms!"

Miles shook his head. "This wouldn't happened if you hadn't whipped him to near death each time you saw him."

"But I have to! If I don't then he'll slack on the job and I'll have to spend more of what little precious time I have to find him!"

I whip the air again, it's crack adding onto the intense atmosphere that hovered between us. It was the detective's broken moans that brought our stand off to a stand still. We watched as he slowly rose to his feet, slightly leaning to his left.

"I'm sorry, sirs, but I don't feel all too great at the moment. Could I possibly take the rest of the day off?"

I clenched my hand again.

I didn't hit him that hard, did I? Regardless, he was asking for it after running away like that.

It appeared that Miles was waiting for me to answer Gumshoe, standing with his arms crossed and that snide face of his.

Just you wait, Miles Edgeworth. I'll get you next and you'll be experiencing more than what Scruffy here just had to deal with!

With an exasperated sigh, I put down my whip. "Yes, you may have the rest of the day off, Detective."

"Wha..." Gumshoe stared at me in disbelief then smiled. "Th-thank you, si—"

"Hold it!" I pointed scrutinising at him. "You may take the rest of the day off only if you promise to always be on time, never be late, do as I say, and listen to each of my orders. Understood?"

"Well, I already do that anyw—YEOWCH!"


"Y-yes, sir!"

"Good. Now get out!"

With a final whip, he ran out of the office, slightly limping along the way. I watched him go, coiling my whip back up.

I won't be using this as many times as I usually would today.

Almost sighing, I started for the door, only to be stopped again by Miles. "How many times are you going to keep me from leaving? Are you that desperate for my company?"

"As much as I love your company, I'm afraid I wouldn't last a conversation without being whipped 100 times over."

I restrained myself from whipping him, just to prove a point that I don't always use it. "Then why have you stopped me?"

As if weary of how I might react, Miles walked cautiously towards me, each step as deliberate as the one before until he stood in front of me. With a heavy sigh and furrowed brows, he looked me square in the eyes.

"Franziska, how long are you going to keep this up?"

I scoffed at him. "Keep what up? Whatever do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is, how long are you going to hide away the fact that you're purposely doing this to Gumshoe? You know you like him, I know you like him, yet you continuously push him farther away with these ridiculous endeavours."

"How dare you insinuate that I, a proud member of the von Karma family, would fall for a foolish man such as Scruffy?!"

I readied my whip, preparing to lash him 1000 times. Miles took notice of this and moved past me.

"Whether you're a von Karma or not, the fact remains that you like him and there's no helping it." Halfway out the door, he turns around and says one final thing. "If it helps, I just so happen to know that he likes you too. After all, who else could stand to take your beatings day in, day out, numerous times per day?"

The door clicks shut and I am left inside, filled with unnecessary feelings.

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