Maya x Phoenix x Simon

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Also, this is an au where Maya, Phoenix and Simon are anti-hero killers, killing people they think deserve to die. Enjoy!

"Bye, Sis! We're leaving now!"

"Leaving? Where are you two going?"

"Just out, Chief. Nowhere special, really."

"Hm, okay. You two have been going out a lot lately. You sure you're not going anywhere special?"

"Of course! If we were, we would've invited you and Mr. Armando to come with us."

"Would you really? But surely you and Phoenix would prefer to go alone as a couple rather than have us boring elders watch over you?"

"Mia, don't be ridiculous! You and Diego are not our elders."

"Why thank you, Phoenix. I appreciate your kind words."

"He's only saying that because he's not that much younger than you."

"Urk! Th-that's not true!"

"Are you saying that I'm old, Maya?"

"Eek! Uh, n-no! N-not at all!"

"I'm glad to hear that. Now run along, you two. Go enjoy your youth while you can."



"Hahaha, I'm only kidding. Now shoo! Go and have fun."

Thanking her, they grabbed their belongings and hurried out of the office then taking off for the streets. They raced each through the crowds of people bustling around before reaching their shared home (or to be more precise, Phoenix's home but now accommodates Maya too after they recently got together as a couple).

Upon setting foot inside, Maya got busy searching their cupboards and drawers while Phoenix closed all of their curtains and windows, only turning on lights that offered enough brightness to see what they were doing clearly. "Have you found them yet? We're due in hour."

"Hang on, hang on! Ugh, why can't you ever put things back in the same spot?! It would make things a lot easier the next time we have to do this sort of thing!"

"Hey, you can't just blame me for it! Who's the one who doesn't clean her tools properly after a mission?"

"Is there any point in cleaning them when we're going to go out again the next night? I'm only thinking efficiently here."

"Yeah? Well, I'm thinking about our safety. What happens if you or I didn't carry everything out properly and the police got on our tail? What a fine story that would be to have to explain not only to them but to Mia as well!"

"Fine, fine, just get this on quickly! We're leaving shortly!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you—ah, forget it!"

Maya giggled as they slipped into their gear, the sky quickly going dark as evening turned to dusk. With everything ready and by their side, they turned the lights off and left the house, taking care to not wander into the light of streetlamps or cars. The streets were becoming more quiet as they made their way through the city, their shadows merging into the night until they reached a tall apartment complex.

Inside was darkness except for one lit balcony window and a man working away at his computer. This man had been put on trial just a few days before and was found not guilty despite clear evidence pointing him to be the guilty culprit. Celebrating his victory, he had returned to work and—although he had been suspected of murder—had received a promotion which was the position that the non-guilty victim of the trial had previously. Unbeknownst to him, his victory would fall short that night as Maya and Phoenix lurked outside, ascending the outside of the building and ducking behind the curtains of the window.

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