Phoenix x Matt Part 2

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Hi, Shoe.


Is there something you want?





Shoe looked at me one last time before walking off. I sighed and fell back onto the couch, sinking into the cushions. I rubbed my face, tired from today's work. Being Matt's manager wasn't an easy task but it wasn't so difficult that I couldn't do it. In fact, Matt was kind enough to have shown me what to do since he understood what was needed to be done and it turns out he's a really good teacher. I picked up on everything pretty well and even stunned those around me with my knowledge and skills in being a manager for an actor.

Everything had been going well for the both of us in that regard. Learning how to manage someone like him was quite simple, almost to the point that my only concern was how Matt was treating me both in and outside of work.

He...isn't that bad, I must say. He's very cooperative and does what he needs to do. Actually, people in the industry have said that ever since I became his manager he had become a lot more productive and responsive to his roles and work. I didn't want to take their comments too seriously but I can't deny that it made me a little happy.

But it's probably because he doesn't have to worry about any competition now that his "rival" is gone. If that were the truth though, would he have a need to be as enthusiastic as he is right now?

His increased enthusiasm for his job was one I didn't expect to be made into such a big deal among everyone but apparently it is. Based on what others have said about him and his previous managers relationships, they weren't always on good terms. With that being said, it's not like they outright disagreed with each other. It was more of a one-sided relationship with the manager bearing the unrequited love for Matt while he took no notice of them. Hence why my being able to coerce him into doing roles and promotional work he'd normally wouldn't do before made such a huge impact on everyone.

As weak-willed and careless as he was—going so far as to have to call a third person for advice—he still had some power to what he want and didn't want to do, so him happily following along to everything I say was quite the miracle.

For the producers and directors at least....

The situation was different at home....very different. For everything I ask him to do and perform at work, I'd receive the same at home. Mind you, what I have to do at home isn't exactly the same as what he does on the job. I don't have to act out lines or do crazy stunts (not that he has to either but I wouldn't put it past him to make me do them too). Instead, he has me doing other tasks such as looking after him and his house.

And Shoe.

This came about when I first began my managerial duties. I had arrived back at my office with Matt who had kindly accompanied me to help pack what remaining law files and cases that needed to be sealed and put away for safe keeping. As we were close to finishing up, he suddenly asked whether I was happy with what I have and if I had ever considered moving into a "proper" home by his standards. Not being able to give a full answer considering the state I was living in previous to becoming his manager, he offered to take me in and live at his house.

I tried to decline, saying that me living in a house like his wouldn't work out and I'd most likely break something I shouldn't have. His response was, as you'd expect, full of kindness and understanding but there was that underlying tone of "he'd do more than give me a talking to". Said in the nicest of ways though.

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