Manfred von Karma x Damon Gant

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"Hm? Hmph."


Miles faced forward again, making our way up the stairs of the police department. Usually, I would have taken the elevator to get to Gant's office but ever since that incident 2 years ago, Miles had refused taking any lifts. This wasn't a problem for me, not even to my fitness, but it was more time consuming than anything.

As much as I regret coming to his office, it would be rude of me and imperfect if I arrived late.

Yes, even with all my perfections, I only ever held 2 regrets. Number 1 was allowing the trial of Isaac Dover go unresolved and receiving a penalty, and number 2 was....

"Sir, we're here."


Miles knocked before opening the door that read:

Deputy Chief
Damon Gant

I mentally sighed as I saw the great loaf sitting at his desk. He acted as though he didn't have a care in the world, even though there was a mountain of paperwork sitting on his desk next to him.


The orange suited man stopped daydreaming and looked over. His bright smile grew even brighter, if that were even possible.

"Manfred! And Little Worthy, how nice to see you both!" He applauded our entrance and pointed to seats. "Please, have a seat."

Taking our seats, we both fix him with cold glares. It doesn't do much to remove the smile on his face, however. "Gant, why have you called me here? I'm! More than certain that I have no business with you."

"That's for me to decide, Freddy." His smile didn't waver. "Worthy, would you like to play the piano in the room next door? I'm sure you wouldn't want to stay here and listen to old men ramble."

"Yes, sir."

It had become routine for Miles to move to the next room and play the piano whilst I discussed important matters regarding current cases with Damon. However, I had not been assigned any cases so this kind of meeting trivial.

"Gant, what is it that you want? I am a busy man and I do not need you and your frivolous antics disrupting me."

"Oho ho ho, Freddy—"

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?!" I snarled, fiercely.

"Ha ha ha! More times than you have won cases!" He joked, clapping his hands. "Don't give me that look, Freddy. I haven't asked you here without good reason."

"And what 'good reason' is that?"

"....I wanted to see you again!"


Gant wasn't fazed by my growling. It irritated me how docile he could be even when I'm at my worse. He's possibly the only person in the world who can tolerate my behaviour. I cursed under my breath in aggravation.

"Woah there, Freddy!" He raises his hands in defense. "There's no need to get mad at something like that. Is it really that bad to want to see you?"

"No," I replied, "this meeting is just proving to be pointless."

"If I recall though, you haven't been assigned any cases as of late so I don't think this meeting would take up much of your 'work' time." He peered into my sullen face. "You should learn to take things easy. Have a break, take another one of your vacations... Hey, I know! Why don't we go swimming together? It'd relieve you some of that stress you've been having and you can bring little Worthy too. It'd be great, I promise!"

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