Simon x Metis Cykes

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It was just another day at the Cosmos Space Center. Metis Cykes and Aura Blackquill were working in the robotics lab, busy repairing and enhancing the performance of their robots. Alongside them was Simon Blackquill who had accompanied them today to learn more about psychological tactics he could use in court.

"Miss Cykes—"

"How many times have I told you not to call me that, Simon?"

"Forgive me, Miss—I'm sorry, Metis."

"That's better. Now what was it you wanted to say?"

"I was going to ask if you and Aura perhaps would like a break. You have been working for almost 6 hours straight on those robots. It's about time you had some rest and before you tire yourselves out."

Metis put down her pen and notebook, moving away from her work. "You're probably right, Simon. I didn't think we had been working for so long." She stretches and leans over Aura's shoulder. "Are you coming with us, Aura? We have been working for 6 hours. Don't want you getting tired and accidentally breaking something."

"I assure you that nothing of the sort will happen, Metis." Aura smiled plainly and continued working. "I'll take a break later when I need it."

"You don't need one now?"


Metis sighed and moved for the exit, Simon following behind. "Okay, just don't work too hard and be sure to have a break soon."

"I will. Enjoy yourselves, you two."

"We'll try," replied Simon, ushering a distracted Metis out the door. "Will you please stop looking at the robots? Aura can't concentrate with you doing that."

"But I want to see—!"

Aura laughed to herself as she heard the two walk away to the break room. She meticulously worked away the 5, 10, maybe 15 minutes before a bright, cheerful girl burst through the doors and crashed into the bench beside her. "Hi, Aunty Aura!"

"Hello, Athena. How are you today?"

"I'm good! What are you up to? Making more robots?"

"Not quite. I'm repairing and making improvements to them."

"Ohhh, okay!" Athena grabs the seat Simon was sitting in before and sits next to Aura. "I saw Mom and Simon going to the break room. How come you're not with them?"

"Because I'm working."

"......No it isn't."

"Yes it is—"

"You like Mommy, don't you?"

Aura's hand abruptly stopped and hung in midair. Her breath fell short as she turned to confront the child beside her. "I—I don't know what you're talking about, Athena. You must be mistaken."

"Aunty Aura, you're not a very good liar." Athena grinned and stood on her chair to match Aura's height. "But that's okay! Neither am I!"

"Thank you, Athena. I feel a little better." 

Aura returned to her work, keeping an eye on the young girl who slowly slunk back into her chair. She toyed with her hands, looking troubled and in deep thought before she spoke in a small voice. "Hey, Aunty. What would you say if I said I love Simon?"

Her hands continued to work although she did stop momentarily. "I'd say that I'd be very happy that Simon has someone like you who loves him." She turned to face Athena properly. "By love, I assume you mean you want to be with him, right?"

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