Klavier x Athena

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"Fräulein, are you okay? You don't look so good."

"What? I'm perfectly alright, Prosecutor Gavin. No need to worry over me."

Her less than cheery smile told me otherwise. It held good intentions but was forced. "No, Athena, I'm asking if you're okay. You look as though you may faint at any moment."

"It's that obvious?" Although her face widened in surprise, her voice doesn't follow. "Actually, there may be something wrong."

She walked with a stilted gait to the wall, her hand reaching out just far enough for her to lean against. I walked with long strides to her and held my arms out in case she fell. Her face was flushed and her breathing was a little ragged. Her eyes were a bit hazy too.

"Tsk, Fräulein, it is not safe for you to attend court when you're this sick." I sat her down on the lobby's couch, putting my hand up to her forehead. "You're burning up too. Why did you come today? I'm sure Herr Forehead would've covered for you or Herr Lawyer if they knew you were this sick."

Athena shook her head, almost falling to one side if I hadn't caught her in time. "They're kinda busy doing something else and I didn't think my cold was this bad. I don't—"


"Here, Fräulein," I stand up and offer my hand, "let's get you home."

"What? Why? We still have the trial to...to..."


"Athena, Athena, Athena..." I whispered under my breath. Picking her up, I placed her arm around my shoulder and made our way out of the building. "There is no way we are going to face each other in court when you're sick. Since I'm the only one in their right mind right now, we're going to do as I say, ja?"

There wasn't much of a response from her as we walked out. I told the guards on duty that the trial was to be postponed. Athena's struggles against me were weak and futile. "Prosecutor Gavin! I'm strong enough to do the trial! And even if I weren't why would you dismiss such an easy win?"

Dragging her out into the open air, I realised that I had no way of transporting her back home, not that I knew where she lived. "Athena, I can't take you home on my bike. It's too dangerous."

"I'm okay with dangerous."

"No, you're not." I sighed. "Athena, where do you live? I need to get you back home as soon as possible."

"Can't I go back to yours?"


"You don't know where I live, so why not take me to yours?"

"To mine?"

She nods although her head was all over the place. It was more like she was swinging from side to side than up and down. Readjusting hers and my arm, I began walking in the direction of the Wright Anything Agency.

"I'm taking you back to the office. It's best if Herr Lawyer and Herr Forehead knew about this, no?"

"NO!" She threw her whole body into me, which didn't account for much than a surprised shock since she was light and weak from her cold. "We can't go back to the office!"

"Why not?"

Athena looked abashedly away. "Um...because we can't. They're doing *COUGH* important work *COUGH*."

I couldn't tell if her coughs were implying something else or whether she really needed to cough, but I stopped walking. "Alright then, Fräulein. Where should we go then? If I can't take you to your office then at least tell me where you live."

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