Larry x Edgeworth x Phoenix Part 1

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"Boom! Boom! Shing! Wah! Woah!"

"Larry, could you please stop posing in front of the mirror. We're leaving in 15 minutes."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, Nicky. Don't deny that you love seeing me flex my muscles."

"What muscles?"

"These!" I posed in front of his face, showing off my arms. "Just look at them! Is it any wonder that girls fall for me?"

Phoenix chuckles. "Why they fall for you is a complete mystery but it's definitely not because of your 'muscles'."

"Hmph. At least I have muscles unlike a certain scrawny someone."

"Hey! Stop poking me!"

"Aw, but it's fun! Besides, you're very ticklish, aren't you?" I smile mischievously before attacking him with tickles.

"Hahahaha! No! Stop it! Please!" Phoenix fell onto our bed in a fit of giggles as I continued my attacks.

He's so cute like this.

I got up and walked to the kitchen. "Come on, Nicky! We don't want to be late."

"Whose fault do you think it is for making us late?!"

I shrugged. "I don't know, but he must be very handsome and attractive."

"Yeah, with no sense of time management or brains even."

"Nicky!" A tear threatened to fall down my face as I stared at Phoenix.

He sighed in exasperation. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Let's just go."

Before he took one step out the door, I reached for his arm and pulled him back into me. "You're so mean! Still, I love you all the same."

I felt him heat up and look down to see his face go red. "I, I love you too." He struggled out of my embrace and looked down at his phone. "Agh! We're going to be late! Quick, let's go!"

Dashing out the door, and locking it, I followed behind and raced him to the meeting point.


"Of all the places to go, we chose to come here?" Phoenix gave me a quizzical look.

"Why not? There's lots of things to do here!"

He shook his head. "This is Edgeworth we're talking about. He doesn't like coming to these places. Oh, well. What can we do about it now? Let's look for him."

Entering the building, we searched the area around us. We had come to a shopping centre crammed with people as it neared closer to the Christmas holidays. Everybody was bustling in and out of shops, hurrying from one place to was quite difficult to keep track of it all.

As we stood amongst the hustle and bustle of festive shoppers, a man with dark gray hair and a scowl so fierce it could rival with that of Scrooge appeared and swiftly stalked over to us. I look at Phoenix who looked at me and felt the blood drain from our faces.

We are so dead.

I grab Phoenix's hand and began making our way to meet Edgeworth. "Edgey! Long time no see—!"

"Enough!" He covered both mine and Phoenix's mouths. "I don't want to hear another word from either of you until we've made it out of here, got it?"

We both nod. As he removed his hands we gasped for air and follow him out of the building to the snow filled streets. We all shivered at the sudden change in temperature. "Edgey, it's cold. Why would you want to leave—"

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