* Chapter Four *

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[Quackitys POV]

"AYEEEEE THOMA-" I looked at Tommy's face and it was covered in bandages "What the fuck happened Tommy?" I held his chin so i could look at his face from a better angle 

"I- Dream kinda did something... But-", He mumbled

"That mother fucker... I'll kill him!" I said clenching my fist

"Yeah well, I wanted to do that too... but we cant", Sam walked up to me from the other side of the kitchen 

"Tommy i want you to tell me everything that happened... Every detail..." I said while letting go of his chin 

Tommy sighed...

[Tommys POV] 

After a while of explaining the story i started to feel really tired...

"And that's the end, it wasn't that bad... he was probably just having a bad day..." I said rubbing my eyes 

"A bad day!? Tommy that's not a bad day", Quackity said leaning against the wall "That man is a fucking psycho and-" 

"Look Big Q... Its getting late and I'm tired... lets just talk about this tomorrow?" I said jumping off the chair 

"Sure Tommy..." He replied 

I walked up the stairs and opened the door to my bedroom

"Goodnight Tommy!" Sam shouted

"Goodnight Dad!" I Replied while shutting my door

I went over to the open window and looked outside, Feeling the wind brush across my face. Wait... I JUST CALLED SAM... DAD! For a minute i started to panic...
What if Sam left me like the others! 
What if I made things awkward!
What if...

Then I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder, making me jump. 

"Tommy?..." The voice was soft and calming 

"Hey Ghostbur...", I said while turning to look at him 

"How did you know it was me?" He asked

"When you touched my shoulder I stopped panicking... Oh and your hand went blue" I said while giggling at him

"Oh..." He said lifting his hand, it turned a transparent grey again "Well at least your not sad anymore!" He said sitting up against the wall

"Yeah..." I turned around and sat next to him, "Wil..."

"Mhm?" he turned his head to look at me 

"What does it feel like... y'know... being a ghost?" I asked 

"Um... Well now that i think about it, its not bad!" He said closing his eyes "Its much easier teleporting rather than walking everywhere" He paused and opened his eyes again...
"Why did you ask?" 

"Because... I'm not sure how long I'm going to last Wil..." I said putting my head back on the wall

"..." Ghostbur didn't say anything, he just patted his chest indicating for me to lie down on him. I closed my eyes and cuddled into Ghostbur's chest causing me to fall asleep.

"TOMMY!!" a voice came from outside of my room... Ghostbur disappeared and I fell over hitting my face on the floor

"OW GHOSTBUR! YOU PRICK" I said rubbing my forehead 

My door opened and Quackity stuck his head in to look at me, "Tommy! Sam said if you hurry and get dressed we can go on an adventure!" he slammed my door again and ran down stairs 

I walked over to my wardrobe and looked at all the clothes i could wear...
I don't know why but i picked up Wilbur's long brown coat and light grey turtle neck... I put on the clothes and matched them with some of my black ripped trousers. I turned to the door and in the corner of my eye i could see my reflection in the window... The coat still had a whole from the sword...

I opened the door and walked downstairs to see Sam and Quackity stood waiting for me, I could tell they were surprised to see me wearing Wilbur's coat but they didn't say anything.

"Hey Tommy", Sam said 

"Hi!" I replied, I put my had into the pockets of the coat and felt something inside. I pulled it out and it was some blue powder

"Tommy why do you have drugs in your pocket?" Quackity said turning to look at me

"Its not drugs Big Q", I said stuffing it back into my pockets 

"Then what is it?" He replied while opening the door and walking outside with me and Sam

"Its mine", I walked past them both and went to my old home which was surrounded by vines and overgrown plants. I walked over the bridge and looked into the crater where L'manberg once used to be... I could feel the tears forming in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. 

"Tommy!? TOMMY? TOM-" I heard two voices running and stop right behind me... "Tommy are you alright?" Sam asked placing a hand on my shoulder 

I sniffed and replied "Yeah I'm-" I was just about to turn around to look Sam in the eyes when I noticed something in the middle of the crater.


"Do you guys see that?" I said walking closer to what once used to be L'manberg 

"See what?" They asked at the same time

I ignored the question and started to run towards the whole in the ground, once i got to the edge I jumped down to a small ledge and fell over on my foot... I've never been good at walking on that leg, It was very weak and whenever i walked it caused me to limp. It hurt a lot but i pushed myself over to the slope at the side and slid down to another ledge. Once i got down i crawled over to the edge and saw something red, it was pulsating and dimly glowing...

What the fuck is that?!...

"TOMMY!!" I heard some rocks fall behind me as Sam and Quackity ran towards the crater and looked down nervously searching for me 

[Sams POV] 

I searched for Tommy nervously, then i saw his grey and black tail swaying on a ledge close to us "He's there!" I said jumping down to the ledge under me, Quackity followed. We slid down the side of the crater and fell onto the same ledge as Tommy, I grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet... 

"TOMMY WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" I said trying to look Tommy in the eyes but his gaze didn't leave the centre of the crater "TOMMY ARE YOU LISTENING!?" 

Tommy turned his head finally and looked me calmly in the eyes without saying a word

"Tommy-" Quackity said walking towards us, "You cant just run off... There are a lot of bad people around here..."

"I'm 16 Big Q...", He said while i let go of his arms, "I can look after myself... I had to when-" As he was speaking he stepped back and lost his balance and fell backwards.


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