* Chapter Fifty *

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[Tommys POV]

As we got closer to the prison i felt my veins which were now died black tingle, I felt sick and turned my head... "Why are we going here again?" I said gagging slightly 

Quackity turned and grabbed my arm, pulling me with him. "He knows something about the egg Tommy..." 

I shook my head and bit my lip, "How are we supposed to get in there?" 

He shook his body slightly so he could get the rain out of his wings, the small drops of water hit my face and i groaned, "Punz is letting us in..."

"He agreed to help us?!" I looked at him with a confused expression as we stood outside of the portal room... 

"Kinda..." He looked around and hopped into the portal, with me following close behind

[Punz POV]

I sat at the desk on my phone, that's when he walked in... "AYEE!! PUNZZ!!" Quackity shouted, holding up his finger guns at me 

"Dont you, AYE PUNZ, me!" I stood up and walked over to him 

"Aye man, I need to be here", He rubbed the back of his neck as Tommy rolled his eyes 

"Well i told you your not allowed!" I put my phone in my pocket aggressively and swiped the hair out of my eyes, "Fuck off!" 

"Hey, hey..." Tommy interrupted walking in front of the clueless Mexican, "How about we talk business?" The blonde flicked his hand and in it he held a large sum of money... he waved it in front of me 

I raised an eyebrow and looked down at him, "and..." I mumbled 

"You want the money or not?" He smiled slyly as he held it out for me to grab, "You have to let us see Dream though..."

I rolled my eyes and snatched the money before counting it, I have no idea how this kid makes so much money but i'm not complaining... I sighed and put the money in my pocket, "Not a word about this!" 

"Deal!" He held his hand out and smiled, i shook it and took them to Dreams cell

[TimeDeos POV]

I woke up with Rags sleeping on my knee and Wilbur floating at the other side of the room... I yawned and looked at my shoulder where i last saw Tommy but he wasn't there. I jumped slightly, my eyes searched around the room for him but he was nowhere to be seen, I carefully placed the dog on a fluffy pillow without waking him and snuck down the stairs to see if he was there... 

I searched the kitchen for alcohol, I was panicking slightly... I opened the fridge but it didn't look like anything had been taken. I let out a sigh of relief and turned to see Quackitys door open slightly... I quietly creeped over and peered down, Jschlatt was sleeping and snoring loudly... I rolled my eyes and looked at the door, hearing the rain which made me shiver
"Clever little shit..." I whispered, running over to my shoes and quickly slipping them on

[Quackitys POV]

We walked into Dreams cell, he was sitting up against the wall with old dry blood covering his face... I gagged at the smell and walked over, causing him to look up at me

"Why are you here?" Dream asked, looking at Tommy, "You got banned after you broke your wrist..." He looked down at the boys arm only to see nothing wrong with it, "How is it all better?" 

"Stop asking questions!" I said, grabbing his chin and turning it towards me, "Whats with this stupid egg?" I snarled 

"What egg?" He replied 

"YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards me 

"Quackity calm down..." Tommy grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back, he crouched and shuffled in front of me, "Dream..." 

"tommy..." He said, painfully. I felt a wave of guilt wash over me but i knew what he was doing... he always does this, he makes people feel bad for him then manipulates everyone

"Dream... the people who lived in the badlands have found a new religion... They worship an egg which glows bright red, its growing Dream and Quackity thinks you could help us..."  Dream looked up at Tommy

"Who believes in the egg?" He asked 

"Skeppy, Bad and Red... Ant doesn't seem to like it all that much but every now and again his eyes turn a reddish pink..." Dreams eyes widened slightly 

"RED!?" He said in a shocked tone, "When did he get here?" 

"Not sure..." Tommy lifted his sleeve slight and rubbed his arm, catching Dreams attention 

"Tommy whats that?" His eyes traced Tommy's black veins

"Um... its- I..." He stuttered and looked around the room, "I'm not sure... He's called Tom..." 

"You named it?" I asked

"Why wouldn't I?" He rolled his eyes playfully and looked back at the weak man on the floor, "Anyways... Can you please help us Dream?"

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