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I walked down into the kitchen to join the others currently down there. Tubbo and Eret sat at the counter, Sapnap, Dream, and George on the couch, and Niki and Wilbur cooking breakfast. I love when Niki cooks, tastes like care was put into it opposed to Dream who always tried to cook as fast as he could.

"Oh hey great youre awake!" Dream said with a smile.

"Uh yeah? Why so cheery?"

"Well i was waiting on you so i could say... we are having Techno and Phil move in! They mentioned wanting to be a part in all of this fun so i figured hey why not." Dream said and everyone, me included were excited but then i realized.

"Well Dream. Thats excellent but where will they sleep? There is only one extra bedroom and i doubt they want to share a room." I said raising an eyebrow.

"Well actually me and George will be sharing a room now." He said and Sapnap let out a small, barely noticeable, snort and i raised my eyebrow to this remark.

"Yeah i dont mind." George said blushing.

"Well i hope you dont mind since we are dating after all." Dream said a devilish smile played on his face. All the small conversation went quiet and everyone looked to Dream.

"Wait, really?" Tubbo said smiling.

"Yeah." George said slightly laughing. Everyone began to chatter on about that and i went and got a little bit of eggs and a smaller pancake. The road to recovery is a little at a time as Wilbur says.


Short chapter but i will be continuing this story! Thank you all so much for the insane support! Also if you like you can add me on twitch! I stream minecraft and a few other games from time to time and would love to see you there! :) <3


Living in misery. (Tommyinnit)Where stories live. Discover now