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I woke up to a kick in the back and realized i was pushed to the far edge of my bed while Tubbo was splayed out across the bed, snoring. I noticed the bottle of strawberry soap at the foot of the bed so i got up and picked it up, walked into the bathroom, and put it back on the shelf in the shower. I turned around looking in the large mirror above the sink, fixing my bed head back into my day-to-day style. I felt like challenging myself today. To cook breakfast. No help.

Now i am no cook but seeing as its... 8 am, geez im up early, i figured breakfast for everyone cooked by none other than me would be a nice accomplishment for myself. A small goal.

"Cant be too difficult." I muttered to myself as i walked quietly downstairs.

-1 hour later-

Well. It didnt go well. The eggs arent burnt atleast? Well some of them arent burnt.

After an hour of my cooking, everything being burnt except for the second batch of eggs and a few pancakes, the smoke alarms to waking everyone up, led to me now getting a lecture from Philza himself in the upstairs hallway.

"Tommy? Are you paying attention?" He asked waving his hands and snapping his fingers to get me to zone back in. I nodded focusing back onto him.

"You couldve burnt the house down Tommy. Why would you try to cook when you have no clue how to? Thats irresponsible." He said sternly, arms crossed.

"I-I just wanted a nice surprise for everyone. I th-thought it would be nice." Now Phil nor Techno knew about my mental health, which his lecture wasnt helping, so i couldnt be mad as i held back tears.

"Tommy thats wreckl-" he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder by Wilbur behind him.

"You can go Tommy. Thanks for the effort of making us breakfast. Its appreciated and a nice thought." He said kindly smiling at my, and directing the last bit to Phil with a bite to his voice as he dropped the smile looking down at him. I figured an apology was owed for waking everyone up as i walked back downstairs into the kitchen.

"I- um. Sorry guys." I said and then turned, trudging back up to my room. I could hear Wilbur lecturing Phil in Wils room.

"You have no clue what hes going through Phil. Go easy on the kid. He was just trying to do something nice for everyone." Wilbur said, muffled by the shut bedroom door.

I went to my room, shut my door and threw myself onto the bed with a loud sigh.


Living in misery. (Tommyinnit)Where stories live. Discover now