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Later in the day, Philza still upset with me, I walked downstairs. Everyone except Phil was sitting in the living room. Most of them on their phones aside from Dream and George who were flirting and playing chess. I opened the fridge and grabbed a coke, and was about to go back to my room when Dream stopped me.

"Oh, Tommy. I was wondering, i ran it by everyone else and they said theyd like to, so would you like to go camping? Take a roadtrip to Tennessee or somewhere and camp there?"

"Oh. Uhm yeah. Ive never really been camping but as long as i can share a tent with Tubbo yeah sure id like to." I said with a smile. Tubbo smiled at my smile because of last night.

"Oh sick! Ok so i think we are going to go get the stuff, George, Sapnap, and myself, after this game so if any of you want anything specific just text it to the groupchat." Dream said smiling and focusing back to his chess game. I turned to go upstairs and heard someone walking behind me. I got to my room and went to shut my door when Wilburs hand stopped it.

"Hey. I talked to Philza. I didnt tell too much just that you were struggling for a while and youre getting better and him snapping on you could be bad for you. He didnt budge much but i did try." I nodded

"Well. The guy never has been one much for listening after dangerous situations. So its ok. Thanks for trying." I faked a smile he nodded and muttered 'anytime' then left my room, leaving me alone in the cold, lonely room.

Getting better?

Im getting worse...

Living in misery. (Tommyinnit)Where stories live. Discover now