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Its been a few days since Dream had his heart-to-heart with me. Three to be exact. Hes been helping me eat more that usual and checking in on me often. I did block her after explaining why. She was understandably upset but understood. I even told her i may talk to her again once i feel mentally strong enough to do so.

"RANBOO LETS BURN DOWN GEORGES HOUSE." I said to the new comer Ranboo on the SMP. I was streaming so for plot and content we did exactly that. It was fairly late. 3 am to be exact on the time.

As we ran from his house back to mine we laughed and had a good time. Maybe this would lead to bad things. But really who knows?

"Hey Ran im gonna go grab a coke!" I muted myself "Be back chat." I said taking off my headset. I opened my door and started to walk downstairs to get a coke. I guess the one at start of stream wasnt enough. As i got to the bottom of the stairs and walked down the hall to the kitchen i was met with a... sight.

"What. The. FUCK!" I said as i watched George scramble back from where we was previously sat on the couch kissing Dream. Both of their faces became red with embarrassment.

"Tommy. Do NOT tell anyone about this please for the sake of all things good and sane." Said Dream through a wheeze laugh.

"Ah huh." I said my face a dark red from the embarrassment of witnessing that. Dream wheezed some more and George just looked mortified.

I just grabbed my coke and quickly went back to my room as i heard faint "i told you wed get caught in here" and wheezes.

And like Dream said, i told no one.

A/N thank you for the ideas that inspired this and the last chapter which came from sapphicali and anxietybear_

Living in misery. (Tommyinnit)Where stories live. Discover now