Part 1 - The Most Famous Kids in the World

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I struggled to open my eyes against the bright light that came from the morning sun. My eyes won and I closed them shut as I rolled over and let the soft fluffy pillow ponder my head. My bed felt softer than usual, the blanket felt heavier and a completely different fabric than the one I'm used to. but who am I to judge, I haven't been home in months. Perhaps I simply forgot about the pillows I used to lay my head on for years before moving to LA. 

But that's not the only thing that feels different. I stretch my feet out, the bed seems longer. I listen, the house is pin drop silent. Usually I am woken by my stylists nabbing me about my hair, or my manager talking loud on the phone.

 I opened my eyes. This isn't my house. Instead of my usual faded out yellow coloured wall that I'm used to waking up to, I was staring at a plain black wall. The blanket I was wrapped up in was a dark burgundy, my favourite colour. I ripped the blankets off of my over heated body and stepped down to meet my hot feet with the cold hardwood floor. I walked slowly to the large window that was covered by a small shade, just translucent enough to let the light in. Fear started to take over my body as I lifted the shades to get a better understanding to where I was. I nearly fell back at the sight. I'm not back at my snowy hometown in Michigan, I'm far from it.

I'm on some sort of island.



"Alright everyone take a seat this meeting has now begun" I stood in front of the now silent group of workers.

All attention was on me. "As you all probably know already, MTV has crashed. We are desperately trying to fight bankruptcy." The room gasped. All the people were terrified for they knew that if we had to file for bankruptcy their jobs are gone.

"But." I said to bring everyone back to attention. "We have about a year and a half to turn ourselves around."

The room remained silent.

" Ladies and gentleman, I have a plan."

A large white screen slowly came down behind me while I moved out of the way to avoid blocking the bright lights of the projection screen. The screen zoomed into focus to reveal a large isolated island. With a nod to the light and sound man, and a click of a button, the island picture faded and a brand new photo with a luxurious mansion lining the coast of a crystal blue ocean and fenced in by the tallest, greenest of trees.

"This, is the set of the show that is going to turn MTV around. And these 10 strangers.." I paused as 10 teenaged faces, 5 male, 5 female replaced the picture of the house. "They are going to make the show happen."

I could see that by the many blank faces in the room that I confused the crowd even more. A man hesitantly raised his hand.

"How is this going to make us a lot of money? It is just like every other show, like The Real World."

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