Part 28 - The End

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I was sitting in my room packing up all of my stuff with Harlow and Jace. Dennis was going to be here soon to pick me up and then I was leaving the island for good.

I couldn't stand to be here anymore. After the Asher situation the whole house hated me. No one wanted me here and I only stayed because Ken convinced me to. He said he would turn things around and he even sent me on more excursions for a while, but it didn't change the fact that I was the outcast.

These people tolerated me but they didn't like me. They forgave Asher right away but held onto their resentment towards me forever. It wasn't until Harlow that I created a true connection in the house.

I don't even remember how it happened but one day she just started to be nice to me when no one else was. She slowly started planning things with other people in the house that involved me and made the group be nice as well but I know they only were because she asked them to be.

Then Luke came around. It was fate that we were paired together for the amazing race. The day started normal and we co-participated without any issues. Then something changed. He was being very flirty with me. I was confused by it at first since he was with Zoe, but we all knew he was just a flirty person so I didn't read into it very much.

As the day went on I became more comfortable with him and his charm, and I was flirty back. I knew that it was wrong but it was supposed to just be innocent.

He brought me to the hammock and he opened up about how he had his eyes on me for a while. He told me that he didn't like Zoe anymore and that he always wished it was me he talked to the first day. He said all of the right things that I needed to hear at that moment and as you know, one thing led to another.

I felt horrible. I wanted to tell Zoe right away but Luke told me not to. He said we should keep it a secret for a while and he reminded me that the house already hated me. He made me feel like he was the only person I could trust in the house, so I continued to sneak around with him.

He made me fall for him. He was sweet, respectful, endearing. He acted like he was falling for me too. I whole heartedly believed he was going to tell Zoe the truth and we were going to build a new story for the both of us in the house but as you know, that never happened.

Now he is off on some romantic excursion with Zoe and I am packing up to leave.

Harlow and Jace are the only ones that know why I am leaving. They have tried to convince me not to go but I have already made up my mind. I couldn't be on this island and pretend like I wasn't head over heels for Luke.

As for Zoe, I have decided not to say anything about what happened. I don't care enough about her to prove to her that her man was an asshole. I hoped she would find out eventually, but it wasn't going to come from me.

"Alright, I think that is everything." Jace said.

We all stood up and looked around the room. Everything was packed up and I was ready to go.

Harlow came up and wrapped her arm around my neck.

"Are you sure about this Tara?" She asked. She was upset and Jace was acting like he was too but I don't think he really cared.

"Yes I am sure." I reassured her.

She sighed but she didn't push me any further. Instead, her and Jace helped me bring all of my stuff to the living room. There was a crew of staff over at the house and everyone was waiting for me to leave. I hated that this was such a big deal. If it was up to me I would have snuck out in the middle of the night and never talked to any of these people ever again.

I was hoping I would at least be able to leave before Luke, Zoe, Asher, and Cory got back but that didn't happen. They came back about an hour ago gushing over their night away. Asher and Cory even announced that they were together. Whoop-de-do. More people happy while I was miserable. I just wanted to get off of this island.

A few minutes went by in the living room when finally Ken and Dennis entered the house. Thank god. I was ready to get out of here.

"Well Tara, we here at MTV will be sad to see you go." Ken announced.

No they wouldn't be. They are only sad because of the Drama that followed me around.

The crew started grabbing all of my things and carrying them down to the boat.

I started to say my goodbyes. The only person I really wanted to say goodbye to was Harlow, but I decided to be a big person and give my farewells to everyone.

I went around the circle giving everyone hugs. Cory, Carter, and Zoe all hugged me and gushed over how much they would miss me. Those lying bitches. I bet they were happy I was leaving. Now their perfect little boyfriends had no one to fuck up with.

I gave a big hug to the Jace, Blake, Ryan and Asher and then made my way to Harlow. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and tried not to cry. She is the only one I was going to miss. I let go of her and walked to the door. Of course, Luke was standing in front of it with his arms opened wide.

The last thing I wanted to do was give him a hug but I did anyways. When he was hugging me he leant down and whispered in my ear.

"Thanks for not saying anything."

It felt like my heart stopped.

Seriously? That was the last thing he wanted to say to me? He completely screwed me over and caused me to want to leave the island and all he cared about was that I wasn't going to tell Zoe about us?


He didn't even say he was going to miss me. He slept with me almost every day for two months and all he has to say was thank you for not exposing him as the asshole that he really was?

I pulled away from his hug and no surprise he walked right over to his precious Zoe and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

It was like he was torturing me. He was rubbing it in that he got to stay on this island with her and pretend like I never even existed.

Dennis gestured to me that we had to leave. I looked back at everyone one more time before Dennis opened up the doors to the house and waited for me to walk down to the boat with him.

I started walking but stopped myself. I knew at that moment that I couldn't leave the house feeling like this. Luke didn't deserve to get away with this. He didn't deserve Zoe and he definitely didn't deserve me.

I turned around and looked at Harlow. I could see from the expression on her face that she knew what I was about to do and she shook her head no.

I didn't care.

I looked Zoe directly in the eyes and said "I have been sleeping with Luke since the amazing race. It was his idea and he was the one that wanted to hide it from you."

That was all I needed. 

I finally felt like I could leave the island. I turned around and walked out of the house for good. 


Do you think she should have? 

How do you think the house is going to react to this news? 

Thank you for reading! 

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The IslandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora