Part 6 - I've Seen You Looking At Me.

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this chapter is Dedicated to XclusivelyA Thank you for all of your tips and support while I was just starting this story (P.S. look who I finally made the POV). check out their story "the Prince's Soulmate"


"Wooooo!" I scream after taking another shot.

Carter and I were tracking the shots we took tonight with a marker.... But we lost the marker... and we also lost track.

It was currently 2 in the morning and the party hasn't stopped. Luke and Zoe were playing beer pong against Blake and Cory. I was dancing in the living room with Tara, Jace, and Ryan. Asher took Carter down to the beach for fresh air once she started saying she was going to puke from all of the alcohol she drank.

Everyone was having a great time!

This morning I wasn't sure how we were going to get along in this house. Everyone was fighting everyone, and nobody was comfortable knowing they were going to be in this house for the rest of the year.

Except for me.

The moment I woke up on this island I considered it a new start. At home I was constantly being compared to my older brother who was a successful doctor. Both of my parents worked almost 24/7 and no one had the time of day for me. All I wanted to do was become a model and no one I knew supported that. I am excited to see where this journey takes me and I am taking no chance for granted.

"YES!" I heard Zoe scream. 

I looked over at the kitchen table where the four of them were playing to see that all of Blake and Cory's cups were sunk. Luke picked Zoe up and spun her around as Blake and Cory shared a high five.

"We'll get you next time," Blake smirked.

"In your dreams." Luke replied, wrapping an arm around Zoe. "No one is going to beat this dream team."

Luke looked down at Zoe and winked.

"Come dance!" I interrupted as I moved my hips to the beat of the music. We all danced to the songs playing and basked in the glory of this new lifestyle. Everyone was euphoric in that moment as we started making memories that will last a lifetime.

I took a sip as I kept dancing and looked around the room to take in this moment. Luke was dancing with Zoe before he whispered something in her ear and they quickly left the common area, hand in hand.

Blake, Jace, and Ryan were dancing to the music together while Cory and Tara were in the kitchen making themselves another drink. I decided to join them.

"Isn't this the best?" I said as I stumbled into the room, nearly running into the kitchen island in the process. Fortunately, Cory caught me before I could fall and we laughed it off.

"It's obvious you're having a good time." Tara implied, taking her first sip of the new drink she poured.

"I'm happy to be here'" I smiled as I grabbed an almost empty bottle of vodka and start pouring myself another vodka cran.

"You know who else is excited that you're here?" She grinned as she turned me around to look at the group of boys dancing.

There I saw Jace, arm around Blake, as they danced together to the music. He looked over at me when he caught my eye and winked.

"He's been staring at you all night long." Cory smiled.

I looked back at him and his eyes were still on me. I have seen that he's been looking at me quite a bit but I haven't got a chance to talk to him about it.

"I've noticed." I said confidently. "I've been waiting for him to talk to me."

"Girl, time is up! Make him talk to you." Tara said, handing me a glass of whiskey sour which we both knew Jace has been drinking all night long.

I grinned at the girls one more time before grabbing the drink out of Tara's hand and walking over to Jace. He noticed I was coming over and left the boys to met me half way.

"I've seen you looking at me." I smirked, as I handed him the full cup.

He took the cup and started drinking it right away. "That's weird, I was just about to say the same thing about you."

"I have not been looking at you all night." I responded, taking a step closer to him.

"Of course you have." He took a step closer to me as well. At this point we were nearly touching. "Everyone is always looking at me."

I looked up at him. He was quite a cocky dude. "Well I wasn't."

"Well you should have been." He responded with an obnoxious grin, he took another drink of his whiskey sour before saying something that I have never heard anyone say to me before. "I'm way out of your league."

"Excuse me?" I raised my voice as I took a step back.

"You heard me."

"You are not out of my league. I wouldn't even be over here if you weren't staring at me all night."

"I don't believe you. You want to be here and you know it." He took another step closer to me again, causing me to take another big step away from him.

"I could get any guy in this house." I responded confidently. He laughed in my face.

"Oh yeah? Prove it?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This guy who was staring at ME all night long thinks that HE'S out of my league? I don't know if he is playing some dumb game or if he really meant that, but I'm going to make him regret it.

I took back the half empty whiskey sour that I just gave to Jace and chugged the rest in front of him. I looked him dead in the eyes as I seductively wiped my lips and handed him the empty cup. I then immediately walked past him to where Blake and Ryan were dancing.

Ryan stopped dancing when he saw me coming. "Hey Harlow are you having a good-"

Before he could answer I grabbed him by the face and kissed him in front of Jace. I could tell that everyone stopped what they were doing to watch but I didn't care. It was obvious that Ryan wasn't expecting this to happen but he quickly reciprocated the kiss and grabbed me by the waist to pull me closer.

I interrupted the kiss to lean up and whisper in his ear. "Lets get out of here."

Ryan looked at me in shock but immediately nodded and took my hand as I lead him towards my room.

I looked over to where Jace was standing with his jaw to the floor. He really didn't think I was going to do it.

He wont underestimate me again.

Ooooh a bad boy, but nothing Harlow can't handle. Do you thing she did the right thing?

What do you think Asher and Carter did on the beach?

Where do you think Zoe and Luke went?

Please leave a comment telling me what you think and if you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote :)

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