Part 31 - Canada

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Sorry for the break in my story! I am back to writing and excited to finish the book :) I hope you enjoy!


"Take my hand"


"C'mon you can do it!"


I was at an arena in Alberta, Canada with Ryan. He was a very good hockey player and was trying to get me to skate around with him butI refused to step on the ice.

I was up visiting Ryan for the week. Ever since we were sent home from the show we have had a hard time seeing each other. We did go on a few tours around North America to promote the show right after it was suspended, but we have been officially home for about two months, and this was the first time I have seen him since. Ryan's family was kind enough to invite me up to Canada to stay with them and after convincing my parents for weeks, I was finally allowed to go.

Ryan rented the whole rink out for just us. We were here with his parents, his brother, a few of his teammates, and Blake. Blake is from the UK so when the show was suspended he didn't want to leave North America and being the sweethearts Ryan's parents are, they let him stay with them while MTV decided when and if they resumed the show.

"Come on Carter, you can do it!" Ryan's mom Anita encouraged.

Anita and Ryan's dad Andy, were skating around the rink while his Teammates Cameron, Danny, Jordan, and brother Tucker were at one of the ends shooting some pucks. Blake was in the same boat as me as he desperately held onto the edge of the boards while trying not to fall.

Eventually I gave in, grabbed Ryan's hands, and stepped onto the ice. It was so hard to hold myself up while Ryan skated backwards as he pulled me around the rink.

"WOOO!" His teammates cheered and tapped their sticks as I got pulled around. They have been trying to get me onto the ice for at least 15 minutes.

It was pretty fun gliding on the ice, but I was definitely not going to try and skate by myself. I was glad to have Ryan here to help me. He pulled me around for a few more laps before Ryan's teammates asked him to play a game of scrimmage.

"You go ahead, just pull me over to the bench!" I said honestly. I didn't want him to miss out because of me.

Ryan kissed me on the cheek and then pulled me over to the bench. Blake was already sitting on it untying his skates. He must have dragged himself back to the bench while Ryan was pulling me around.

"Skating is not my sport!" He laughed.

"Me neither!" I agreed. "Let's leave that up to Ryan."

I lifted up my leg and rested it on Blakes lap.

"Can you untie my skates? I'm too lazy" I asked with a pouty face.

Blake looked at me and smirked. "Okay Princess Carter."

What an angel. Blake started undoing the laces on my skates when Ryan's bodyguard walked over to the bench.

Thats right.

We had to have bodyguards now.

The show was literally such a hit that it turned us into instant celebrities. We all had to have them. I don't talk to Tara really but Harlow does and she says that even she needs them. 

In Canada the show isn't nearly as popular as it is in the States so there was only one bodyguard here for Blake, Ryan and I but it was still so weird that we would need one in the first place

"Carter and Blake your phones have been going off non stop. I think you should check them." He said as he handed our phones to the both of us. I unlocked mine to see 5 missed calls from Ken, 8 messages from Harlow, and 30 messages from the house group chat I had with the girls.

That's weird, I wondered what was so urgent that people were so aggressively trying to get ahold of me. Blake seemed just as concerned when suddenly his phone started buzzing again. It was a FaceTime call from Ken.

He looked at me quickly before he answered the call. Ken's face appeared and he looked ecstatic.

"Ahh finally! We have been trying to get ahold of you three! Where is Ryan?"

I stood up from the bench and called at Ryan. He skated Towards us and leaned over the boards to see what was going on.

"Ken!" He cheered. "What's going on?"

"I'm glad you are all together. I wanted to call to let you know that we got the OK for the show to continue! We are sending all of you back within the week."

I looked at Ryan and Blake and all of our faces were beaming with joy. Was he serious? The show was back on? We all started jumping with excitement. Everyone on the ice skated over to see what the commotion was all about.

"Mr. Kerr great to see you!" Andy said through the phone.

"Dad Ken just said we have approval for the show to resume!" Ryan acclaimed.

Everyone was elated at the news as they knew how important the show was to the three of us. Ryan's parent's got off of the ice and gave all of us big hugs!

"You guy's enjoy yourselves tonight! I will be in touch tomorrow with your flight details." Ken said before we waved goodbye and he hung up the phone.

I turned to Ryan and both of us met with matched energy, excited that we would no longer have to be apart! I jumped into his arms as he spun me around.

"Hey don't leave me out of this!" Blake laughed. I gestured at him to join in as the three of us shared group hug.

"This is great news! Let's get home, I need to make a huge dinner for us all to celebrate! Ryan invite all of your friends." Anita smiled! I was in awe at how sweet and supportive she was. Complete opposites of my parents.

Everyone got off of the ice and packed up their stuff as we headed back to Ryan's house to enjoy our last few days in Canada before we returned to the island.


Do you think they are going to bring everyone back to the show or only a few people?

When the come back do you think all of the couples would have survived the large break?

Thank you for reading :) I hope you enjoyed!



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