Part 15 - The Aftermath Pt. 1

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This chapter is dedicated to vanstademichelle check out their story "Look up!"


The five of us who remained on the local island to play volleyball just arrived back at the house. It was about 8pm and the sky had just started to turn a beautiful shade of red to indicate the sun would set shortly.

As you could imagine, the rest of the day was pretty awkward. Right before our tournament Jace and Harlow got into a screaming match over Ryan while Zoe, Blake, and I were stuck trying to diffuse the situation. After that, the two of them stopped speaking completely. This made the volleyball game super awkward and we lost to the local team. Not to mention we were short a player and a sub so that didn't help.

The boat ride home was agonizing. It wasn't a super big boat so it turned into Jace and Blake sitting on one side while Zoe, Harlow and I sat on the other. Neither Harlow or Jace said anything to each other the rest of the way home.

When we got to the boat dock on the beach, I noticed the sand was littered with empty beer cans. Seemed like the people at home must have had a great day.

The five of us started walking towards the house. The amount of beer cans around seemed to get larger the closer we got to the back doors.

In the faint distance I noticed someone stumbling across the beach. This person was obviously drunk. I wondered if it was Ryan blowing off some steam after everything that happened today.

Once I got a little closer I realized it wasn't Ryan.

It was Asher.

"Carter...... CARTER!" I heard him shout off into the trees surrounding the house. Why wasn't she already with him right now? Did he lose her or something?

"Asher!" I yelled at him to get his attention.

When he noticed the five of us on the beach he frantically rushed over to where we were. Once he was closer I noticed the huge black bruise surrounding his eye.

"Have you seen *hiccup* Carter?" He slurred, looking past all of us.

"No we just got back." Blake specified. "You alright man? What happened to your eye?"

Asher looked around at all of our faces before his eyes landed on mine. He was in complete distress and looked like he was about to break down.

"Oh Cory." He cried as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I really fucked up."

"What happened Asher? Talk to us." I said as I wrapped my arms around him in comfort.

"I was sleeping with Tara and Carter walked in."

Wait. What?

I pushed him back a little so that he was forced to look at me.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Harlow yelled as a protective best friend of Carters.

"I can't find her. She took off with Ryan and they have been gone for hours. I need to find her." Asher tried to break out of my hold but I wouldn't let him. There was no way, as a friend, that I was going to let him talk to her in the state he was in.

"How could you do that?" Harlow asked. She was visibly upset over hearing this news.

"You're one to talk." I heard Jace murmur in the background.

"Stay out of this!" Harlow screamed as she turned around and pushed Jace as hard as she could. Jace was very muscular though so it barely nudged him.

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