Part 7 - House meeting. 5 minutes.

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This Chapter is dedicated to nicoleshermann Thanks for all of your awesome comments! check out her book "Stubbornly Falling in Love"


I woke up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. My eyes opened only to realize that I wasn't looking up at a white ceiling like yesterday, I was staring up at the bright morning sky. I must have fallen asleep on a cabana bed last night when I took Carter out for fresh air. I pushed myself up onto my elbows to look around at my surroundings. Carter was still sleeping peacefully beside me on the soft cabana bed. The view of the beach was absolutely breath taking. Deep blue water, tall palm trees, a vibrant sunrise. This truly was a luxurious island. I looked closer at the palm trees around us. On almost everyone of them there were camera hidden within the leaves. They were subtle, but at the same time very obvious due to their round dark lenses and they stood out to me like a sore thumb. They weren't kidding when they said there were hidden cameras everywhere.

I started to feel my head pound as I sat straight up on the bed. Great. A Hangover. Something that I was too accustomed to feeling in my lifetime. I knew we drank a lot last night, but the magnitude of this headache had me thinking that maybe we drank more than I thought.

This made me think of Carter. She drank just as much as I did, yet is only half the size of me, so if I'm feeling like this I can't imagine how she is going to feel.

She was very cute and funny last night while she was sloppy drunk. Harlow and her tried to track their shots with a marker but there is no doubt that they both lost track. I could tell that Carter wasn't used to drinking alcohol because she drank way too much too fast. It was about 1:30am when she leaned over to me to say she felt sick so I took her out to the beach to get some fresh air. Once we were outside I sat her down on the cabana bed and she leaned against my arm as she spoke more drunk nonsense that made me laugh. She giggled that she was always a big fan and told me that she wanted to kiss me, but I didn't let her because of the state she was in. After that, it wasn't long until she fell asleep on the bed under they stars and even though I had all the intentions of moving her, I must have fell asleep too. Well I guess now is as good as a time as ever.

I got off of the cabana and scooped up Carter in my arms, careful not to wake her. I walked back towards the house, slid open the glass doors, and entered the main area where we were partying last night. The house to my surprise was completely spotless despite the huge mess we made last night drinking. I wondered how it got so clean? Maybe they hired a maid or two.

"Asher?" I heard a soft voice coming from across the room.

I looked over to where I heard the voice to see Cory sitting alone in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hands. She was wearing an oversized sweater and a pair of short black shorts that hugged her legs.

"Did you guys sleep outside?" she asked, Looking at me holding sleeping Carter in my arms.

"Yeah we did." I responded. "What time is it?"


"What are you doing up so early?"

"I always wake up early after a night of drinking." She replied. "I was planning on going for a walk on the beach, would you like to come?"

I thought about her offer. I wasn't really tired and I had a feeling Carter would be sleeping for quite some time. A walk would definitely make me feel better and alleviate these hangover symptoms.

"Sure, just let me put Carter in her room and i'll be right out."


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