Part 5 - Grab a Bottle and Meet Downstairs

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"Cheers to a great year bitches!" Harlow preached as we all shot back a glass full of vodka.

The vodka tastes bitter as it ran down my throat. Alcohol, a substances that I used to know too well. I coughed as I desperately tried to get the taste out of my mouth. Most of the people in the room had the same expression on their face as no one considered bringing chase up to this room when we came.

I looked over at Carter who finally had a smile on her face. A genuine smile. Not the nervous smile I was used to seeing before. She was so cute and innocent and I smiled back at her. She looked at me and tried not to laugh, but we both failed at that.

Just a few minutes ago I was woken up by a loud bang on my door, and now I've just taken a horribly disgusting shot with all of these people that I don't even know.

This is going to be one crazy year.

"Okay, that was horrible!" A blonde girl giggled as she covered her hand with her mouth.

I looked over at the girl and was taken back by her beauty. She had silky long blonde hair and a beautiful smile. I looked around at everyone else in the room. Everyone here looked like they just walked off of the cover of a fashion magazine. I know the industry and I know that looks sell, but what are they expecting to happen putting 10 good looking teenagers in the same house with minimal supervision for a whole year?

These producers are really on to something.

"Lets do that again!" Harlow cheered.

Everyone else didn't seem to agree.

"Okay, fine you pussies. Grab a bottle and lets meet downstairs in the living room. That way you can all have your precious chase. " Everyone in the room chuckled as we started loading bottles into our arms and trekking them downstairs.

Once down there, Harlow and Carter went into the fridge and grabbed juice while the rest of us sat around the living room table.

"Okay, I think its time to get to know every body. So heres what's going to happen" Harlow spoke as her and Carter returned to join the group. "We're going play a game I like to call 'pass the shot'"

"What's that?" I asked?

"Well pop star let me tell you." She smirked. "I'm going to start by taking a shot, then I am going to say my name, age, and something to break the ice. Then when i'm done I'm simply going to pour a new glass and pass the shot on to the next person I choose. Sound fair enough?"

"Sounds dope lets do it!" The younger of the blonde boys declared.

"Alright sweet." Harlow poured herself another shot of vodka and drank it straight. This girl is an animal.

"My name is Harlow, I am 16 years old and from Miami Florida!"

'Explains the party style' I thought to myself. Nevertheless I am impressed with her confidence at just 16 years old.

Harlow continued. "I guess one cool thing about me is I model after school, and was just about to sign with a huge modelling agency.... Well that was until I got pulled away to this show."

Harlow looked a little sad but quickly shook it off.

"Okay whose next?" She asked as she looked around the circle. After pouring her shot she placed it in front of the older looking blonde hair boy.

He quickly took the shot, and I'm assuming to not get outdrank by a 16 year old girl, he too finished it with no chase.

"Alright, whats up everyone I'm Luke. I am 19 years old and from Lewiston, Maine. I love basketball and beautiful babes." He smirked.

What a horrible line.

"And now this next shot gets to go to the most beautiful babe here." He said as he poured the glass and slid it across the table to the blonde girl with curly hair.

The girl blushed as she took the shot, followed by a sip of peach juice.

"Alright, wow. Thanks Luke." She smiled. She looked so flattered but also so uncomfortable with receiving that very weird, uh, compliment? If you could call it that. "Im Zoe I am from Seattle Washington. I am 17 years old and I guess its kind of cool that I have won every science fair that I've ever entered."

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and started pouring a shot. You can tell this girl was not used to getting attention. She placed the shot glass in front of the other beautiful blonde hair girl beside her. After she took it she started to tell her story.

"I'm Cory. I am 18 years old and from Toronto, Canada."

"Woot woot Canada!" The younger blonde haired boy cheered.

Cory continued talking. "I am graduating high school this year and I have always dreamed of living in a place warm like this."

She smiled as she poured her shot and passed it to the next person. This game continued as everyone explained a little about themselves.

"Hey everyone I'm Tara, I'm 19 and from Houston Texas. I sometimes get told I have a temper so.... Sorry in advance."

"I'm Blake, I'm 17 and I'm actually from the UK. My fun fact is that Ive never been beat up before until today."

Everyone laughed. Including Jace.

"and I guess as punishment, Jace this next shots for you"

"Hey guys I'm Jace, I am 18 years old and from New York city. Like Harlow, I am also a model and work for Calvin Klein. At least I did, who knows with this new show"

"Hi I'm Ryan I am 16 and am from Calgary Alberta." Ryan looked over at Cory and grinned. "I am a hockey player and unlike Cory I never expected to be living in a place this warm."

Ryan poured his shot and slid it across the table to Carter. Unlike the first shot she took she didn't hesitate to take this one.

"I'm Carter I'm 16 years old and from Phoenix Arizona. I am the youngest of 6 sisters of parents that I thought were pretty strict but I guess not." She giggled as she poured the last shot and handed it to me.

"I'm Asher. I am 19 and from Detroit Michigan. As you might know I used to be a singer but I haven't done that in a while. I am hoping to find a new beginning here at this house and I want to prove to everyone that I am not as bad as I seem."

I looked over at Carter and she was smiling up at me. So was Cory and practically the rest of the house. Perhaps this house will bring me the new beginnings I am looking for after all.

"Well that was fun!" Harlow said. "Who's down for beer pong?" 

Thank you for reading! This Chapter is dry but I finally wanted to introduce all of the characters so I don't have to describe them by their hair type. Comment who you are interested in reading more about?

Leave a vote if you think that Luke and Zoe are going to hit it off.



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