Part 22 - Butterflies

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This chapter is dedicated to @prettyfify check out their story called "Coherent" It's awesome! 


I woke up to the sound of a telephone ringing. My eyes were still foggy and it was too early after I woke up for me to remember where I was. I opened my eyes a little bit wider and realized I was still in a hotel room from last night. There was no light shining through the curtains which indicated that it was still very early in the morning.

I sighed and rolled back over onto my pillow. I wanted to ignore the phone and fall back asleep. That's when I heard someone reach over and answer it. I quickly shot open my eyes to see who it was.

I totally forgot that I slept in Ryan's room until that point.

"Hello." He said groggy into the phone.

Ugh his voice sounded so cute this morning. It made me wonder why it took me this long to think of him the way that I am right now.

"Ok I will start to get ready. Yeah. Ok. I'll make sure she is up. Yep. See you soon Dennis." Ryan said before he hung up the phone.

Ryan closed his eyes and rolled over so that he was facing me. As naturally as he could he reached his arm over my waist and pulled me as close to him as possible. I got butterflies as I felt his breath just inches from my face.

"Good morning." He smiled. His eyes were still closed but it felt like he knew I was staring at him.

"Good morning." I said as I wrapped my arm around his neck and interlaced my fingers into his hair.

This is the first time I have had an actual sleepover with a boy. Sure I guess Asher and I slept on the beach that one night but I don't even remember it. I never felt comfortable staying in Asher's room. I know he said I didn't have to do anything that I didn't want to, but sleeping with him in his room still didn't feel right.

With Ryan, I just never wanted to leave. We stayed up all night talking, laughing....kissing. He never once made a move past that and I just felt so safe laying in his arms.

"That was Dennis on the phone, we are leaving in 30 minutes."

I groaned. I was still so sleepy and didn't want to get out of Ryan's arms.

"I know." He said as he rubbed my back.

We both laid there silently for a few more minutes. I was so comfortable I could've fallen back asleep. I eventually mustered up the courage to open my eyes and start getting up. I looked at Ryan, who was definitely sleeping again.

"Hey." I whispered to him quietly.


"We need to get up."

Ryan sighed before he grabbed me by the waist and swiftly pulled me so I was laying on top of him.

"I can't get up. I'm stuck" He joked.

I laughed and playfully hit him on the arm. He smiled and puckered his lips, indicating that he wanted a kiss.

I happily obliged as I leaned in to kiss him. No surprise here the butterfly's were back and I had a feeling they weren't going away anytime soon.

"I'm going to change, you better be up by the time I'm back." I threatened with a grin.

Ryan let go of his grip around my waist to allow me to get off of the bed.

"I'll miss you while you're gone." He smirked as he rolled back over, snuggling into the warm bed sheets.


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