Part 8 - Excursion day

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this Chapter is Dedicated to KacySean ! Thank you for reading my story!! check out their story "The Broken Wing" its awesome!


Today was the day we were going to find out who the viewers voted for, for the first excursion. No one has any idea who will be chosen, what the excursion will entail, or how long it is going to be but everyone is anxious to find out if they get to go or not.

It was Friday morning so everyone who was still in high school was working on their homework for the next hour before we all have to come together to find out who won the excursion. The only people who were not in school anymore were myself, Luke, and Tara so the mornings have been pretty boring. However, Luke and I have gotten really close and we spend most of the morning working out or swimming in the pool. Tara usually just sleeps in but she has joined us once or twice.

Luke and I were sitting by the pool after our workout taking in the warm weather before our meeting.

"So who do you think the voters are going to pick" Luke asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe Harlow and Ryan. They have spent a lot of time together. Or maybe you and Zoe." I suggested, I was just trying to think of who's relationship the viewers want to expand on.

"You don't think it will be you and Carter?"

"I mean, maybe. We haven't nearly spent as much time together though. Like you and Zoe are always together so it seems more realistic."

"Have you done anything with Carter?"

"No." I sighed as I thought about the past week. Sure Carter and I have spent time together but we haven't been flirty like we were the first night. It seems like without the alcohol we don't really have much to talk about. I'm hoping that she is just shy and that with time she will open up to me more.

I heard the sliding doors open. I looked to see Tara walking out of the house in a tiny red bikini, holding a black and white towel.

"Hey boys." She said, walking over towards us. Luke was very obviously, and very aggressively staring at her body.

"Damn, look at you" He winked. She stopped and did a little twirl as he continued to drool over her like a dog.

I will admit she was looking hot, but Luke was taking it to a new level.

"You better stop staring." She smirked, playing off of the confidence Luke was giving her. "I wouldn't want your little girlfriends to see."

"Hey, I haven't heard any titles being thrown around." Luke responded, referring to the fact that even though he's spent every night with Zoe, they were not official.

Tara playfully rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, keep drooling you dogs. I'll see you at the meeting."

Tara walked past the pool and down to the beach. Luke didn't take his eyes off of her backside until she was out of site and if I'm being honest, neither did I. I know I'm trying to be a better person but like Luke said, there's no titles being thrown around and that includes Carter and I. What's the harm in looking?

The sliding door opened once again and this time Jace came out to join Luke and I at the pool.

"Damn, did you see Tara." Jace asked as he sat down beside me, dipping his toes in the water.

"Oh trust me, we saw." I responded. "Are you done school early?"

"Technically no but I didn't want to do it anymore. Harlow keeps flirting with Ryan in front of me and its pissing me off. I know she's doing it on purpose."

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